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»Being jealous of a beautiful woman is not going to make you more beautiful«


||Next night||
Finally. I finished cooking dinner. I cooked some chicken stir-fry, some Italian Potato Wedge Nachos and lastly Chipotle Chicken Fajtas.

All in one day, one night. I actually wanted to improve my cooking so that's why I cooked so many. Plus I'm sure Tay and Danny would love this.

Speaking of Danny, I called him down to come eat.

"I smell good food," He said as I pulled out a chair. "Mmm damn, yhu jus' blessed ma night." He rubbed his hands together.

"Yhu seen Tay?" I asked.

"Nah Ion kno' where he at." He said said placing food into his plate.

I walked around the house searching for him and I couldn't find him. I walked into the bathrooms, and all that but also didnt find him. I walked into his room and closed the door. I walked into the bathroom to check again..

Before I knew it the window was opened. I walked to the window and checked up and saw him siting up the roof.

"Heyy," I said as he looked down at me. "Watchyhu doin' up dere."

"Jus' chillin'," He replied as I climbed up going to seat next to him.

"Yhu ight?" I said as he looked else where.

"Uh huh," He responded.

"I cooked dinner," I said. "And the food gon' get cold."

"Yeah I'll eat later," He said as I held his hand

"Tay," I said. "Wah's botherin' yhu."

"Nuffin'," He said smiling at me, before I smiled back.

"Ok than, let's play I spy," I laughed.

"Yhu still do childish games," He laughed along.

"Well we're not grown yet," I laughed. "Ok I spy wit' ma lil eyes somethang beginnin' wit' T."

"Uhhhhhh," He thought. " Tay-k"

"Noooooo," I laughheddd. "Tree. It's ain't all 'bout yhu." I said as we laughed "Yo' turn."

"I spy wit' ma lil eyes someone so sexy," He said.

"Ohhhh me," I said once he laughed

"TayK." He said. "It's not all 'bout yhu." He mimicked me as I laughed.

"Hey." He said turning to me and looking at my face. "Don't move."


"Yhu got ah spider on yo face."

"Wahhhh!!!!!"I freaked out.

"Shhhh shshhhh don't move," He said moving closer to wipe the spider out. "Oooo got it."

"Ohh thank da lord." I praised when my phone was boutta fall and we both reached down to catch it.

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