Ashley's Choice: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

But he was human before not becoming one. And he loved Min. So when Min went on with her immortal life as a human, meeting other men and having relationships, Harlan's balance began to tip. Jealousy and rage overcame him, and he lost his grip on his power. Hence the need for another Balance to take the reins. Me.

Did I mention I am fifteen? That holds some significance, because fifteen year old girls just can't disappear from the world without anyone finding out, or caring. Namely, my sister, Amber.

But Amber could never know about my fate. No one could. Think about it. Humans thrive on their beliefs, whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or whatever. If it were to become common knowledge that all those religions were just a bunch of bogus crap lies, and the real deities are Essences, what do you think that would do to the human race? Hmm?

So here I am...fifteen, unable to confide my darkest secret to anyone besides a half-human woman who has no choice but to help me, and just trying to keep it all together for three more years. A lot of responsibility for some one like me.

But I had to tell someone. This is your lucky day.


January 5th, 2010 

Dear diary,

I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! 

That stuck-up jerk thinks he knows everything. I can't believe he told Emma that I kissed him! How dare he! I wouldn't touch his butt-ugly mouth with a cattle prod...okay, maybe with a cattle prod. Over and over and over. Zap, zap, zap!!!! Then I'd kick him where the sun don't shine.

Holly told me no one believes him, but EVERYONE is talking about it. Emma and her cow of a friend, Olivia, were laughing at me all through drama today. I couldn't get through my lines. God! I hate him. And I hate Emma, and Olivia. AND Mr. Mills. He did nothing! He just stood there, scowling at me, like it was MY fault he couldn't control his class.

If they do that tomorrow, I swear! I don't care if I get a month's worth of detention, I'll slap that lip gloss right off their stupid lips!



I growled, closed my diary and stuffed under my pillow...a second before Amber burst into the room we shared. "Ashley!" she yelled again. Geesh, I heard her the first time. "What is this?"

My sister waved a sheet of paper in front of my nose. Typed print fluttered in my vision, and I caught a glimpse of a great big, B, next to Algebra II. " card?"

"Yes, your report card. You got a B! In Algebra!"

(Brown eyes rolling.)

"I knoooow," I huffed. "I've been in that class since September. Duh."

Amber's own brown eyes flared. "I told you about this. You had to get straight A's if you wanted to go on that trip."

"I remember."

"Well, then that's it. You're not going."

"WHAT!" I bolted up from my bed, ponytail swinging. Amber faced me down, and the door behind her opened.

Saved! Min entered the room. "What's going on?"

It's not fair. It's just not fair for anyone to look like that. Min was dressed for a date with Mr. Blake, the sort-of boyfriend (really, you have to read the other book. That relationship is rather juicy.) Her green eyes glittered in the light, in that tell-tale way of Essences -- not that she was one anymore. And her dark, brown hair fell in soft ringlets past her shoulders. Wrap up Megan Fox, Keira Knightley, and a younger Angela Jolie, and you're only partly there.

Ashley's Choice:  Companion Novel to The Essences Saga (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now