"Jayden Danny, I'm goin' ta' da bank." I said. "Y'all coming?

"Yeah bro yhu kno' wat's up." Jayden said as I waved goodbye at Imani and Kennedy.

I walked out as the air hit my face. "Mmmmmwat ah good day." I said as we walked over to the car. I unlocked it and got in.

"Why yhu so happy nigga." Jayden said hopping in the back as Danny started the monitor.

"Ion kno' man." I said as Danny hit the red light.

"It's Royalty huh?" He said.

"Mmmmm." I said laughing. When he pulled up at the bank

"I'll be back." I said getting up and walking to the money transfer. I used the card and put in the card before putting the pin. Woah ok shordy rich. I took out all the money she has making sho no nigga was around. Otherwise I'm getting my ass robbed I stacked the money and got the card and got in the car.

"Ah'ite roll out." I said

"Damn b who's money." Jayden.

"Royalty's she helping out." I said. "She said she saved dis to get out from her ma's." I said when my phone rang, from a private caller.

I put in on speaker caus I couldn't be fucked.

"Yo." I said. "Who's dis."

"Its Victoria Johnson, Royaltys mom." Victoria said.

"Where'd yhu get ma number?" I said.

"So yhu da motherfucker dat has ma daughter huh." She said

"Victory or Vicky whatever yhu go by , I haven't given ah woman respect in ages, buh wit' all due respect, Ion wanna disrespect yo ass right now. So if I'm yhu I'd jus' cut da line." I said

"Yhu'on wan' ta' go dere young man." She said

"Victoria , get da fuck outta here." Jayden semi yelled.

"Who am I speaking to?" She said

"Jayden Brown." He simply said...

"Oh boy.....yo still alive?" She said. "That's amazin'....Caus da friendly visit I gave TayK or wah ever yhu call yo self, was maybe jus' da beginnin'. Next time it's gon' be all yo lives.... Includin' dat stupid who-"

"Hey hey hey." I cut her off. "Befo' yhu finish dat last word. Sit yo self infront of ah mirror and take ah look at yo self properly and tell me who da whore."

"Wen yhu see me...yhu see Royalty." She said.

"When I see Royalty, I see an angel. But when I hear from yhu....I hear da devil....I'm sure yhu heard the difference." I said

"Watch da news. Keep an eye on it carefully. Yhu shouldn't have stepped da line." She said

"Ah'ite Victoria Johnson....Thanks, I'll keep dat in mind." I said before hanging up

"Bro we should go to da 12." Danny said

"What? Naw nigga fuck 12." I said. "Yhu already kno' da shit we in." I said. "Taylor jus' don't kno' dat we're right behind him."

"Why don't we jus' kill him." Jay said.

"Naw Jay." I said. "I'm pre sure his ma still luh him."

"If he's ma luh him." Jay said. "He'll have ah proper life."

"We need to get da fuck outta here." Danny said.

"Let's go Detroit or sumthin', they'll never look fo' us dere." Jayden said said.

"What do you think Danny." I said.

"Sounds like ah trip." He said as I smiled looking out the window.

"Can you redial da number." Jayden said

"It was ah private call....but I think I got it down." I said looking into my contacts. "Why yhu gon say ."

"....I need ta' talk ta' her asap....I kno' ev'thang dis lady is thinkin'..So we needa start dis game."  He said

I passed him the phone and as he dialed her number and put it on speaker.

"Yes." She answered after 20 seconds.

"Yhu kno' where we live, if yo dat desperate ta' take Royalty come through me first." He said

"Ohh wow." She said. "Yhu protective over ah whore yhu kno' nuthin' 'bout....she really like yo mom."

He muted her. "Y'all know where Taylor lives?"

"Yeah." I said

"Pull up at at his house." He said before I gave him a confused look and looked fo his address on my phone.

I put it on maps as he drove off and we put her back on

"Yhu are da most stupid woman, at least my grams never got niggas ta' rape her fo' money. And if yhu was my  ma's i would've killed yhu ages ago." He said

"Well good luck gettin' ta' me." She said. "I got man." She said when we rolled up in front of his house and he was chilling with Clinton.

"Nah Vicky." He said before I turned around to him as he rolled down the window and pulled out his gun quickly Taylor ah couple of times on the chest.. "Yhu got boys."


"GO GO GO." He shouted going back on the phone.

"Now Victoria, it seems ta' me dat I'm already ahead of yhu.....yhu asked fo' it....yhu gon' be losin' dem one by one 'till yhu decide stop.. ." He said. "Taylor is gone."

"Yhu have no idea who Taylor is ta' me, don't yhu dare." Her frightened voice said.

"Haven't heard da frightened yhu befo'." Jay said. "It's too late now Vicky."

"Jayden." She groaned.

"Goodbye." He said before hanging up.

Oh no man.....
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