40) Yeah Right

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Mike's POV

We hung out in the basement all night. My mom must've assumed it was the guys. She never said anything to us. El slept down there, and I went to my room.

Unfortunately, morning came, and it was still Thursday. I got dressed and told my mom I was leaving early for school. I went downstairs and found Eleven and told her to get ready.

We rode to school on my bike, with her arms wrapped around my waist.

I smiled to myself as I saw El smile at Max on her way to math. It was the last class of the day, and I had reading with Marlee. She came in and sat down beside me.

"Hey. You're like, really smart, right?" she asked as she pulled out her books.
"I mean I guess so," I said, looking down.

"Could you help me? I'm really confused on the lesson we did in math today," she said as she shook her head.
"Um..y-yeah. Sure. Come over after school. Actually, I can give you a ride if you need one."

We were studying in my basement when my Supercom started making noise. It was Dustin, but he was almost out of range, so it was fuzzy. I walked over to El's blanket fort and picked it up.

"Hey, it's Mike. What do you need?"
"Sorry, I was trying to reach Lucas..is he with you?" he asked through the walkie talkie.
"No. It's just me," I lied. I knew what he'd say if I told him Marlee was here.

"I'm gonna get some water. You want any?" Marlee asked as she walked up the stairs. I couldn't tell if Dustin had heard it or not.

"Just you? Yeah right. Way to go, Mike," he said before slamming his Supercom down. He made sure to have the intercom on while he did so. That way the feedback blasted in my face.

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