Mama's looking after you~ {TF warning}

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Warning! Tf/Transformation sequence ahead!

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Or just... see what's in store here.
{mama's p.o.v}

Today is the day. after countless nights of  motherly love, it's finally time. (He/she) is ready... i had told them to meet me in the basement for a special suprise.

I sit here and wait for that precious child, rather patiently. I tap my foot while swiveling my head from time to time at a few sounds I hear within this basement. Suddenly, i heard the pitter patter of those little feet walk down the basement stairs and perked up.

{reader's p.o.v}
I wonder what Mama's could have got for me? It's probably good! A new rare tattletail? candy? What surprises could a tattletail hold?

{3rd person p.o.v}

You walk to the damp, humid basement, and looked around for a bit. You heard a tapping noise and turned to the source of sound. Your eyes met with dark reddish brown eyes glowing softly.

You smiled brightly as you walked to the large furby-like creature, who's ears twitched in joy and somewhat happiness. "What do you wanna give me, mama?" you asked curiously, crouching to her height and patting her head, giggling at the nudge she gave. She twitched her ears and her tail flicked. "I'm going to give you my eternal love, my dear." The brown tattletail replied somewhat ominously.

Your face contorted in confusion. "What... do you mean?" you asked, feeling a sense of suspicion. Her eyes suddenly became half-lidded. you could almost swear you saw the corners of her mouth lift to a kind of... mischievous smirk. "Let mama see your hand."

You slowly and somewhat hesitantly extended your hand to her mouth, unsure of what's going on.

Without warning, she grinned, flashing her jagged fangs and lurched forward and bit down harshly at your wrist with her long, pointed teeth. You cried out in more suprise then pain and jerk your hand away. You watch as blood runs down you wrist from the large bite mark. You snapped your head at mama, your eyes wide and bewildered. "What was that for?!" you cried, clutching your arm. She chuckled softly. "Just wait. Soon you'll know the soft happiness of child-like innocence." She assured in a motherly tone. You opened your mouth to question what she meant, but you paused as you felt an odd tingling in your wrist from the bite mark.

{mama's p.o.v}
The transformation should start any second now... I hope my venom hasn't gone bad. It might hurt the poor dear...

{reader's p.o.v}
W-What's going on!? I don't understand... was that the surprise?? What kind of surprise was--

Wait... What is this tingle in my arm...?

It's almost like a light bubbly feeling, kinda like a fizzy soda, only... it didn't feel bad... it felt odd, yes, but it felt as if I stuck my hand in warm water... Was this caused by her bite? When did tattletails have venom?? The tingling is spreading up my arm...! All throughout my my body! Thankfully it didn't hurt in any way, but that didn't make me feel any less concerned.

I look at mama, opening my mouth to question her, but she didn't look bothered in the slightest. She looked me up and down, then nodded, as if she was assured. "Just relax, dear." She said softly. Is this supposed to happen then?

I can trust her... right..?

{mama's p.o.v} 

Thank goodness. It doesn't look like (he/she)'s hurting in anyway. Good. If only (he/she) didn't look so scared. It's quite dismaying to look at... I sat myself down and watched patiently as (he/she) began to tremble...

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