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A/N: So we're just gonna pretend that the pic of Ashton doesn't show his hair because I couldn't find a pic where his hair wasn't visible in some sort of way okay thanks -Cal🖤

Luke: 3:23PM
You're so lucky that
you don't have to go
to this goddamn
school. it's a fucking

Ashton: 3:38PM
that's a lot of vulgarity
for such a young boy.

Luke: 3:38PM
I'm 17... And I mean
it. This place sucks ass.

oh sheet. i'm older than
you? hAh!

Ashton: 3:39PM
but for real though,
what's wrong?

Luke: 3:40PM
Wait, how old are you??
And it's just like... Idk
how to put this, but
people are stupid and

Ashton: 3:41PM
hmm, see, i already
knew that. care to

Ashton: 3:42PM
oh and i'm eighteen.

Luke: 3:43PM
Okay, so like, there's this
kid in one of my classes
and he's just like a total
bully. And it's not like I
don't know how to stand
up for myself because,
trust me, I do, but this
guy... I can't even explain
it. He just gets on my every
single nerve. But I can't do
anything to stop it and I
don't know why.

Luke: 3:44PM
Actually... Can I tell you
something? And you have
to promise not to tell anyone
because I'm not really sure
if I want others to know yet.
And I'm really sorry for these
long ass text I swear to God I
will leave you alone if you
want me to.

Ashton: 3:45PM
go ahead. i'm always here
if you need someone. not
like i have better things to do
anyway 😉 besides, who
the hell am i gonna tell?

Luke: 3:50PM
So this is kind of weird telling
you since we don't really
know each other. Then again
maybe that's why it's so easy
to tell you because we don't
know each other in real
life so it's not as hard to look at
you and see you everyday
knowing that you think I'm a
complete freak. The only other
people that know this are my
best friend Calum and my ex; I'm
gay. And I know that's not really a
big deal anymore because it's
2018 and everyone's so open
about their genders and sexuality
now, but for me it's different.
My family has never really
been one to support anything
like that. But I guess the reason
that I'm telling you is because I
just felt like I needed to tell
someone. Even if that someone
is just a random person who I've
never even met. But anyway I
like the guy that says mean
things about me... or used to anyway
before he turned out to be such
a jerk. I think that's why I
can't tell him to stop because I
love any attention he gives me
even if it's negative and awful.
I just crave attention from a guy.

Luke: 3:51PM
And I promise that's not what
I'm doing to you I actually
like talking to you. Sorry for
rambling and for being so
weird and just saying this
and laying it all out there so
quickly and bluntly I just...
I wanted you to know for
some reason idk why. I'm sorry.

Ashton: 3:52PM
okie, firstly, you need to slow
tf down and b r e a t h e.
secondly, ditch the bitch. don't
let him treat you like door mat
just because you gain attention.
don't take his shit. besides, you
can get attention from guys
who actually like you, y'know.
and lastly, stOP APOLOGIZING.
you have nothing to be sorry

Luke: 3:53PM
I just felt bad dumping that
all on you and stuff idk.
But thank you, A. I'll try and
work on the whole "not taking
his shit" thing.

Ashton: 3:54PM

Ashton: 3:54PM
oh, and if it makes you feel
any better, i'm pansexual.
although, honestly, i guess
it doesn't really matter that
much anymore. i haven't been
on a date since i was diagnosed.
forever alone ig 😂 but anyway,
i'm the last person to judge you
for being gay 🤷🏼‍♂️

Luke: 3:55PM
How long ago was that?
That you got diagnosed,
I mean.

Ashton: 3:55PM
eh, about four years ago.

Luke: 3:56PM
Are you fucking serious?
You haven't been on a date
since then? Why not? I mean
you seem like a nice guy, and
though I haven't seen you in
person I'm sure that your
appearance isn't absolutely
grotesque to the point where
you can't get a date for 4 years.

Ashton: 3:57PM
i just didn't really see any
point in it. i mean it can't
go anywhere, so why bother.
and I wouldn't be so sure
about that appearance thing.
no, i'm not, like, disgusting or
anything, but i'm definitely
not the type to win prom king.

Luke: 3:58PM
So? What's so wrong with a
casual fling?

Ashton: 3:59PM
call me a hopeless romantic
but i just don't really want
to enter a relationship
without the thought of it
actually lasting. i love
the idea of love.

Luke: 4:00PM
Okay, I can see that.
*Impatiently waits for a

Ashton: 4:01PM
why the hell do you want
a selfie?😂

Luke: 4:01PM
To end this whole debate
about whether you're
atrocious or not. And why
you haven't been on a
proper date in a while.

Ashton: 4:02PM
fine. hold on. you gotta
promise to be nice though.
i might act like i don't
take other people's shit,
but i'm actually quite insecure.

Ashton: 4:03PM

don't be fooled by theeyebrows lmao i've gottenfreaky good at drawingthem on

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

don't be fooled by the
eyebrows lmao i've gotten
freaky good at drawing
them on.

Luke: 4:04PM
Damnnnnnn. How the
fuck have you gotten
away with not having a
date for 4 years? You fine
as hell 💯👌🏻

Ashton: 4:05PM
i said be nice, not lie
to me and act like a
total fuckboy.

Luke: 4:06PM
Sorry, sorry. But I do
mean that. You are cute.

Ashton: 4:07AM
nah... but thank you.

Luke: 4:08AM
You're welcome, Handsome.

confessions on the wall - lashtonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ