Chase patted his shoulder. "Don't lose hope. I'm sure there's...someone out there for you."

"Gee, thanks." Theo laughed. "No, but seriously. What's going on between you and Stella? I know this isn't some regular argument. Something happened."

It was clear to see he wouldn't be dropping it anytime soon. While Theo could be rather scatterbrained at times, he could also be insanely hyper-focused if he really tried.

And he was trying.

"Fine." Chase sighed and slid his hand down his face. "We had an argument about the PRA. I went to Senator Crane's penthouse to try and get him to confess or something. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting from him."

"She's mad at you because of that?" Theo scratched the top of his head. "I dunno, I know Stella and that doesn't sound like her. She's pretty patient, believe it or not."

He scowled. He didn't want to reveal that he lied about seeing Crane, but Theo was smarter than he let on. "I...kinda lied about the whole thing."

"Oh," the other boy said. "That explains it."

"I just...she's too wrapped up in the whole thing. She can't see through Crane's whole façade. But I do. He's a fraud, Theo. He doesn't care about the people. He just wants to put us all in jail."

Theo fiddled with his fingers, his gray-brown eyes focused on his worn sneakers.

Chase furrowed his brow at him.

No. Not you too.


"Here's the thing," Theo said. "I don't really believe that. Like, I want to, but I just don't. I mean, Emily's theory about him sabotaging his own rally is crazy. It's crazy! I mean, how could he do something like that? He's a senator, not a terrorist. And trust me, I know what real terrorists are like. I just...I don't buy it. I wish I did, but I don't." He shrugged his shoulders apologetically. "Sorry, dude, but I think Stella's right. It's time to start preparing for the future instead of making up problems that aren't actually there."

Chase's entire body deflated. A deep, disappointed frown took the place of his scowl.

The two of them remained next to each other for a few silent minutes. It took Andre walking in to break the ice. The six-foot-seven Prime wore a black tank top and basketball shorts. A sweatband framed his mini afro. His prosthetic arm glint with light pouring from the ceiling. As he walked in, he rubbed the metal absentmindedly.

"Where'd you just come from?" Chase asked him, secretly thankful for the distraction.

"Basketball in the Gym. I need to work on my form," he replied. He arched an eyebrow at the blond. "You okay?"

"He made Stella mad," Theo answered. "Now he's got the blues."

Andre nodded slowly before walking up to him. "She told me what happened." He offered Chase a smile. "I'm no relationship expert, but I think you two could do with some time away from this place. Together."

"What do you know?" Theo quipped. "All you do is walk around and stand silently like a statue."

Andre huffed at the boy. "I know some things." He glanced at Chase. "And I know that we're all slowly losing it inside these walls. Getting away could do some of us some good."

Chase's eyes widened.

He's right.

It was the perfect idea. He had been wanting an escape from The Acropolis and he knew Stella wanted to get out of their headquarters as well.

Hidden Enemies | The Prime Archives #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now