🥀 Chapter 8 🥀

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I kept my strong posture and tried to hold back all of my emotions.

"What's wrong Kat?" Sam asked as he lent forward in his chair opposite me.

I looked into his eyes and held them there. Should I really be telling a stranger these types of things?

"Stop over analysing and just tell me. I mean I can't exactly help if you don't tell me what the issue is." He continued to speak.

He does have a point.

"My mother-" I paused, "again."

I continued to look into Sams eyes as I said that.

Sam lent back in his chair again, "well what did she do this time?" He asked.

I sighed, "she's now made my friend hate me and she's the reason I'm left with no crew."

Sams eyes grew a little, "You got kicked out?!"

I rolled my eyes, "I thought I just made that clear!"

Sam sighed, "well, what's your thoughts about that whole issue with your friend?"

I looked Sam in the eye again, "I currently hate her arrogant ass right now. I mean she escalated this further than it ever should have. I mean who even gave her the power to be able to kick people out! She's a five year old, she doesn't know what to do with that kind of power-" I was cut off by Sam, "and you think you could handle that type of power?"

I looked down at my hands, "of course not but it doesn't give her any right to do what she did."

I watched as Sam nodded his head, "did your friend say anything else?" He asked.

I looked back down to my hands, "she said that i should never return again-" I felt a small tear cascade down my cheek, "she said that I abandoned them - my family. She told me that I turned my back on them-" I felt more tears fall; my assertive exterior slowly collapsing, "she told me that I was naive - she told me to never return." I now lent forward in the chair and put my face in my hands, sobs now escaping .

"and the worst part of it all was that it was true. I did turn my back on them, I did abandon them all for two people, I did follow my mothers footsteps, I did obey her every word and I was and still am naive..." my body collapsed into a heap of messy tears and loud sobs.

After a while; my sobs had calmed down and the tears were still drying on my face. Throughout my whole sob story, Sam never said anything.

He was completely silent.

I slowly looked up from my hands and saw Sam with an intense look on his face.

"just two people, huh?" Sam asked quietly.

I looked at him before realising what I said - I then looked down- ashamed, "i never meant it like that Sam."

I heard Sam stand up.

"maybe you are what you say you are - I mean clearly your too naive to even acknowledge those around you." I heard Sam sigh before feeling his presence move towards me, "ya know kat, I thought you were different - I guess that was also naive of me... I guess all you posh lot are all the same - all the same stuck up rich folk that are so far up each other's asses that they don't even realise the people around them."

I felt sams precense retreat. I looked up from the ground and stood up from the chair- anger now surging through me.

"i am naive, I am stupid. Maybe I was stupid for even trying to trust you.... But I am not like those other rich folk - you hear me Sam!" I stormed right up to him and looked him dead in the eye, "from the first moment I saw this place, I instantly saw hidden gems - unlike the others I noticed this place and it's people - I acknowledged the fact that there is amazing culture flourishing here. and since I saw this place I have defended it and it's people - I can't defend everyone but I defended those I cared dearly about... I always have and even though they don't see me as family anymore I will continue to defend them because they are good people in a cruel world and if you want to think what everyone thinks currently then go right ahead Sam - but here's the reality; I've only known you for a short amount of time but I felt an instant connection - I have always felt the need to protect you, to getting to know you. And you know when everyone told me to stay away from you - I didn't listen, blame it on niavity if you will but I believe that you are better than what they say you are so I will defend you like I do others, even if you turn your back on me in the end..." I continued to stare into his eyes and give him a glare.

"go and be like everyone else - go and run along and be like everyone else. Be a sheep but hear my words sam, I will always protect and defend you even if you turn your back on me!" I let out a small Huff and looked into Sam's eyes and then I looked down at his mouth.

He had a small smile tugging at his mouth - a smirk if you will.

"an instant connection, huh?" Sam's smile grew more.

Really? was that all he heard?

I gave him a playful glare - he should really pay more attention. I quickly turned away and went to go and sit back down.

But before I could walk away I felt myself being spun around - Sam spun me around in his arms. I looked at his face and saw that same smirk - I then looked into his eyes and saw mischief and another hint of something I couldn't currently tell.

And then suddenly, Sam lent forward and planted his lips onto mine. At first I was slightly shocked but I gave a small smile before kissing him back.

His arms slipped around my waist whilst I flung mine around his neck.

It might seem weird but I always felt the instant connection and maybe he feels it too - I mean I don't think he would be kissing me back currently if he didn't feel a connection towards me.

After a couple of minutes I felt Sam pull his face away. A smirk on his face, "so about that instant connection?"

I smiled before playfully hitting his arm. Douche.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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