🥀 Chapter 4 🥀

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It had taken us a good five to ten minutes to make it to Ana's street.
As soon as we made it to the spot I literally leaped out of the vehicle. I was then instantly greeted by all of the crew, "been a while." One of the dancers said.

I nodded my head, "but it's hella good to be back." I said with a huge smile.

Richard came up beside me and hugged me from the side, "indeed it has been a while, care to show us what you got."

I smirked up at Ana's brother, "of course, I love giving advice to those who need it!"

He gave me a hurt look, "ouch! I actually don't need your moves, mine are just fine."

I raised one of my eyebrows at him and snorted, "yer right, you need to freshen up on those old moves."

Rich just shook his head as a response.

I looked over to Ana and signalled for her to play the music.

With a smile plastered on my face, I begun.

Leaning back and just being free. God, I missed how street dance made me feel.

I went into my own world when I danced. I knew no one could judge me and I knew that I was free.

No having to be precise, no having to look a certain way, no being constrict in the confines of what that particular dance brought with it.

True freedom!

Before I knew it I had finished and applauses erupted around me, "I think I might need to freshen up on my moves." Rich joked.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, "and you've just realised."

Ana came over and high-fived me.

Rich held a pained look in his eyes, "now that just ain't fair! You can't both gang up on me."

I just laughed as a response.

We stopped our laughing once we heard a shot being fired.

We all frantically looked at each other and heard another shot going off, this time being fired in our direction.

"Split?!" Rich said hysterically.

And just like that, we ran our separate ways.

I made my way out of one of the alleyways and ran directly into someone, as I turned the corner, "ow! Mind where your going!" The girl said.

I just gulped as a response.

The girl rolled her eyes and picked me up, "come on, we've gotta go!" And just like that, we were off.

I didn't know where we were going but I was following her anyway.

I was suddenly pulled into a building by the girl and she shut the door instantly, "god that was close." She whispered to herself.

"Too close." A boy said from behind us, which initially made me jump.

I turned around and saw the boy held a smirk on his face, "who's the beauty?" He asked as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes.

The girl walked around me and let out a chuckle, "ran into her, I couldn't leave any witness behind."

My eyes grew wide, were they going to kill me?

I looked at the two wide eyed as they continued to talk between each other.

"Hand me a cig!" The girl demanded; the guy complied.

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