🥀 Chapter 5 🥀

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"Wow! This place is nice." Sam said whilst looking out of the window shield.

I let out a small laugh, "yer, it seems that way doesn't it."

Sam stopped the car and turned to look at me, "why'd you say that?"

I rolled my eyes, "isn't it obvious?"

Sam scrunched his eyebrows together in a thinking matter.

"This place is roaming full of stuck up people with such small minded attitudes?! All they care about around here is either money or indulging themselves in their business, being so self conceded and so emotionless to the world?!" I finished whilst letting out a huff.

Sam gave a look of realisation, "ahh, is this by any chance a family issue?"

"Partly. But it's true, everyone around here is like that." I said with a sigh; then under my breathe I said, "it's sickening."

"Well if their anything like you said then yer it's sickening but you can't just judge everyone by the few you've seen." He reasoned.

I let out a snort, "yer right! I've seen all these people in this place because of my self conceded mother!"

"Oh, well I'm curious about something." He said.

I diverted my gaze away from the window and stared at him, "what?"

Sam scrunched his eyebrows up again, "well if you live here then why do you even go anywhere near the dodgy neighbourhood?"

I looked back out of the window, "firstly, that's where my crew live and secondly, I like the freedom that neighbourhood provides."

I then heard a door slam, "Katherine Livon get your butt here now!"

I closed my eyes and slowly turned around whilst releasing a slow breathe. Once fully turned I opened my eyes and saw my mother fuming at the top step of our home.

"Livon, like the livon school of the arts?" Sam asked from besides me.

I sighed, "unfortunately yes, my mothers actually the principal and I unfortunately attend that retched place."

Sam let out a chuckle, "that should be a privilege, I hear that not many make it in and I should know."

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at Sam, "what do you mean?"

Sam looked at me, "I auditioned, I wasn't what they were looking for though."

I let out a small chuckle, "I'm glad you didn't make it otherwise it would have ruined you like it did me, people like us street dancers don't belong there."

Sam nodded, "well you better go, your mother looks like she's about to kill someone."

I let out a laugh, "yer, me."

Sam joined in with my laugh before we bid our farewells to each other. Sam drove off which left just me and my mom.

Here goes nothing!

I walked passed my mom and into our home, the door instantly slamming behind me.

"Kitchen, now?!" My mother shouted.

I covered my ears as I was only a few steps ahead of her.

After I uncovered my ears, I slowly followed my mother into the kitchen.

I stopped in the door way and stared at my mother who had a blank expression plastered on her face; like usual!

"Your late home!" She monotoned.

I blankly stared at her, "okay, sorry I'm late back. I don't normally turn up late but it's a one off."

My mom let out a tut, "yes but then it escalates, this is your first time coming home late and later on you'll turn up late again. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

I rolled my eyes, "I have obeyed you all these years and this is my one slip up, it's not like it's gonna happen again."

My mother let out a laugh, "and what? Are you now gonna turn up home with a new guy everyday?"

My mouth dropped.

"Actually mother, he was just being kind and giving me a lift home."

"Oh really, who's that guy anyway?" She interrogated.

I was not about to tell her anything about the shoot up so,

"He does street dance with Richard and Ana and me." I simply explained. 

I then let out a laugh, "I can't believe that you would even insinuated that I would sleep with some random guy!"

I turned around and was about to walk off until my mother spoke up.

"Don't walk away from me!"

I slowly turned around and nodded for her to continue, "please continue to  ruin me more."

My mother rolled her eyes, "your so dramatic have you ever thought about my feelings?!"

Here we go again!

"Jee mom, have you ever in your life thought about anyone's feelings other than your own." I rolled my eyes; I can't even stand this woman anymore.

God dad, why did you have to leave me with such a monster?

"Stop that attitude right away! What you said before you left was embarrassing on my behalf?!" She shouted whilst pointing towards herself.

"Ditto!" I simply said.

She made fun of my best friend, like hell would I stand around and let her bad mouth her.

My mother now seemed more furious than before (if that even was possible!), "you had no right to bring up your father either and to disobey my orders."

I stood up from the doorframe, "firstly, you had no right to bad mouth my friend who fyi has more talent in her pinky then you do in your whole body.  Secondly, I had every right to mention MY father, i mean if the shoe fits, wear it and lastly, I did disobey your orders but news flash I am not perfect- ain't you, ain't nobody! I listen to your orders day in and day out, the reason I disobeyed you is because I needed to see those people that make me feel free!"

I looked at her directly in the eye before walking out of the kitchen however what she said next made me freeze in my spot.

"I forbid you from ever seeing that family again, their toxic people-"

I turned around and instantly interrupted her, "their not toxic mom, it's you."

"Don't interrupt me?!" My mother seethed.

Now standing where I originally was, she held a smirk, "at the end of this semester when we have our annual show, whoever I deem as eligible which I will find one, you will be joining that agency!"

My mouth dropped. This woman is cruel.

I quickly turned around and ran upstairs, tears started to cascade down my face.

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Ana,

Bad news! My moms now forcing me to go into an agency by the end of this year and forbid me from seeing you guys 😭

That's tragic, she seriously is evil 😡

Idk what I'm gonna do anymore, she is seriously making life unbearable 😫

Hang in there. You know me and the crew have got your back 🙂

Thanks 💗 I will try and find a way to keep dancing with you guys though, no matter what!

Ik you will and we've got your back, no matter what the decision is 👌

Thanks I appreciate it ❤️

Np 💛

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