🥀 Chapter 6 🥀

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I marched my way down the stairs and out the door that morning. My grudge with my mother still lingering in the autumn air.

I had thought that we could surpass this stage but clearly not.

God, why could I even think that my own selfish mother would understand anything I say; I mean I might as well throw in the towel and give up on trying to think she's better than she really is. I mean father did and he managed to escape my mothers toxic ways.

Anyway, I decided on getting some fresh air today and decided to take a long walk to school; so I could mentally prepare myself for what is to come beyond those beckoning doors.

I sighed as I started to take steps down the drive way; that is until a loud horn made me jump literally 6feet into the air!

"Hey girl! I'm here to take you to school!" I heard my loving friends call out.

I turned in the direction of her voice and saw her peaking her head out of the window of her car.

"How'd you know?" I asked sceptically.

Ana gave me a look of disbelief, "are you serious?! I'm telepathic! When did you forget about this?"

I let out a small laugh.

Your most probably confused but you see, my friend has this weird thing called sarcasm; which I, myself find hard at the most of times to understand. But I know for a fact that was actually sarcasm as if she was telepathic she would know that right now I'm picturing Channing Tatum topless.

I know it's a cheeky thought but who can blame me! I know everyone thinks of it at-least once in their lifetime, I just do it on the regular.

Anyway, I turned to Ana and gave her a smirk, "you are most definitely telepathic, so let's get a move on to school."

I then quickly jumped into Ana's car and she started to drive off.

"So, about yesterday-" Ana said with this taunting voice that she possesses.

"Look, I don't know what your going to say-" I was then cut off by my friend.

"If you don't know what I'm going to say then let me speak-" she gave a pause, "I was worried about yesterday. You literally vanished and nobody knew where you went."

I let out a slight sigh of relief.

"This isn't something to feel fine about Kat. This is serious! I mean my own brother went back towards the gunshots and tried to look for you. My own brother could have been killed Kat because he was looking for you!" She said in disbelief.

I looked at my intertwined hands and slowly looked up and made eye contact with an angry Anastasia.

"Im sorry. I was running away and accidentally ran into someone who brought me to safety along with their companion." I explained.

Ana gave me a sideways glance, "what's their names?"

I sighed again, "Rebecca and Sam"

Ana quickly bring the car to a quick halt which made me fall forward in my seat, "ow!" I quickly let out before seeing the serious under tone underlining Ana's eyes.

"Sam who?" She asked slowly.

Why is Ana acting so strange? I questioned myself as I looked at Anas serious tone.

"Sam Johnson." I said simply before looking back outside the window, "now let's go to school because I'm already in trouble enough."

"Enough?!" Ana let out hysterically, "Sam Johnson is a bad dude and you just being around him instantly makes you a bigger target then you already are?!"

I was so confused at this point, "but him and his friend helped me out and besides, they seemed like nice people. Well to each other. It's rather cute actually-" I was interrupted by my friend.

"Their not good people Kat! God, why are you so naive!" She said whilst slamming her hands on the steering wheel.

"Why are you so angry Ana. Stop having a go at me and stop calling me naive; just be thankful that they were there to save me!" I said in disbelief myself.

Ana tutted, "you clearly don't get it. I mean of course you wouldn't with where you live and all that."

I looked at my friend in shock and opened the car door, "clearly you need some time to yourself and I don't want to ruin this friendship anymore than it needs to. So, bye!" I said whilst hopping out of the car whilst closing the door. I then stomped my way down the road.

How dare she go there?!

I know that I might have been slightly more naive then I should have been but still, in my situation there isn't many options.

I sighed again as I made my way down this seemingly never ending road.

My mind whirling with many thoughts which included my dearest friend who I had just argued with.

Why is she so anti-Sam? Why is she so against me being around that Sam dude? What has he done to make my friends feathers all ruffled up?

Why did I even fight with my best friend?

My mind constantly whirling with thought making me oblivious to my surroundings and just as I turned a corner I had bumped into someone.

"Woah beautiful where are you going in such a rush?" I now correlated as sam's distinct voice.

I stared at his dazzling features and for a moment just stared in wonderment.

"You okay, beautiful?" I heard his voice asked in a concerned manner.

I quickly pulled myself out of my thoughts and away from the apparent dangerous man otherwise known as Sam. Hey, that rhymed!

"Yer I'm fine. Thanks." I said in a quite voice before turning away from him.

However, before I could walk off in the opposite direction; I felt Sams large hand clasp around my upper arm. I felt him forcefully turn me back around to stare at those dazzling features yet again.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked with a playful smirk covering that devilish face of his.

Omg! Why is he actually smirking? Why am I not surprised? Why didn't I listen to my friend? Why am I so goddamn naive?!

I gave out a shaky breathe before pulling my arm away from his grasp; which he reluctantly obeyed by.

I gulped, "I have school. You know, like I told you before."

Sam gave me this look which looked like he was sceptical but he nodded.

"I guessed you were but I'm just wondering why your walking to school, especially through an area like this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I looked to the ground this time, "the usual argument with my mother and my friend having a go at me."

I felt Sams presence grow closer towards me and I then felt his hot breathe fan my cheek; meaning he had lowered himself down to my level.

"Why would anyone have a go at you?"

I moved my face away from his and slowly looked up at those eyes. There really isn't a way to describe them.

"Reasons which I'm fairly sure I've already told you." I then sighed, "look I have to get to school before I'm in even more trouble so bye!" I said whilst walking away.

However, I felt his hand grasp me again; which made me whirl around so I was facing him yet again.

"Why don't I give you a lift there?" He asked.

Now I'm confused. First of all it seemed like he wanted to kill me but now he just seems like a friendly being. But maybe the first reason is because of my friend uttering those words into my head.

I gave Sam a smile and nodded my head, "that would be nice."

And with his own smile of approval shown, we both hoped into his muscle vehicle as he started to drive off to my dreaded school.

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