▪ Chapter Two [Back To Earth] {Edited} ▪

Start from the beginning

"Sounds good to me," he said while shrugging, "Alright everyone. Let's go."

Travis began walking to the portal to Earth and the rest of us followed after him. While walking Hawk came up to me and asked:"Wgat were you and Travis talking about?"

"Hm? Oh, you'll see", I giggled slightly and kept walking. He seemed confused,but kept on walking with next to me anyway.

Once we got there,we entered the portal one by one and appeared back on Earth once again.

"Alright! Let's go!", Joy exclaimed and was ready to start running, but I stopped her.

"Joy wait up! We aren't gonna be going by foot", I said.

"We're not?", everyone except Travis asked me.

"Yup. We're going with my car," Travis said in a bragging way,"Follow me."

We followed behind him and eventually got to his car.

"Alright, I'm driving and since I don't know the way Rose will sit in the passenger seat. You guys sit in the back. Let's go", Travis said and opened the door and got in, as I got in to the passenger seat. Travis started the car and began driving, while I told him where to go.

"Guys-We are squished in here!",Astoria exclaimed sounding pretty grumpy.

"Yeah,yeah. Hold on in there. It's not that long of a trip....Right Rose?", Travis asked.

"Nope. It's only about 20 minutes", I answered.

"Where are we going exactly? You two never said", LingLing asked us.

"She's right", Joy commented.

"Oh yeah! We're going to my family's beach house. We'll be staying there for a few weeks. I bet you'll love it!", I exclaimed feeling even more excited than before.

"Really!? That's awesome!", Joy exclaimed sounding very excited.


"Alright. Everyone get out, we're here!", Travis said and got out of the car as the rest of us followed him.

He opened the trunk and brought out all our bags and gave them to us. I took my bags and unlocked the door for the beach house.

"Come on guys!", I called for them as I opened the door and walked in.

"Wow! This place looks nice", Joy exclaimed as she looked inside her house.

We all went into the living room and sat on the couches. We sat in silence for a bit until Hawk said:"So what are we gonna do now?"

"Well we could go to the beach, but I feel like it would be better if we unpacked first", I said.

"For once I agree with you. We can go to the beach tomorrow", Astoria said.

"And besides, you guys haven't got your swimmsuits yet", Travis said.

"Our swimsuits?", LingLing asked.

"Yeah, swimsuits are clothes that you wear when you go swimming," I answered her question,"We can go buy them later."

"Sounds good," Hawk said,"What do we do now?"

"We unpack and decide who is sleeping in which room...Which might be a problem since there are only three bedrooms", I chuckled nervously.

"You forgot that little detail didn't you?", Astoria said not looking impressed.

"It's ok! One of the bedrooms has a queen sized bed so two of us can sleep there,the second one has two smaller beds and the third one has only one bed so one of us will have to sleep on the couch", I said.

"Great", Travis began,"Well I guess I'll sleep on the couch and the rest of you can decide where you want to sleep."

"Travis you don't have to. I can sleep on the couch-", I started.

"No, no. I'll sleep on the couch. This is technically your house anyway", he said.

"Um, can I sleep in the room with the single bed?", LingLing asked.

"Sure! And Astoria and I can sleep in the room with two beds!", Joy said as she hugged Astoria.

"Uhm...Yeah....", Astoria agreed, not that excited as far as I could see.

And then I realized....I have to sleep in the same room as Hawk...OH MY FAIRYTALE! WHAT WILL I DO!?

"So I guess that leaves Rose and Hawk, in the room with the queen sized bed", Travis said with slight smirk and then winked at us playfully.

"Uhm...", Hawk and I said at the same time while accidentally making eye contact and then I looked away. I could feel my cheeks burning again, but I tried to ignore it.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go unpack!", Joy said and immediately ran into her room.

"Okay? Hawk you can go unpack in our room first. I'll get started on the kitchen", I told him and went into the kitchen.

'Oh pumpkin seeds....What will I do? They set us up and I just know it! Why would they do that!?', I thought to myself as I stored the kitchen supplies.


🍎Hawk's POV🍎

"Why the hell did they do that?! Seriously, Travis knows I like her and he's just making things worse! Ugh!", I face planted into the bed... OUR bed.

"Hey 'Princess Saver' we gotta go buy some swimwear! Now stop freaking out about sleeping in the same bed as Rose and get out here!", I heard Travis say from outside the room.

"Oh shut up Travis!", I yelled and walked out of the room not amused.

"C'mon it can't be that bad", Travis chuckled.

"Yes it is!", I exclaimed.

"Hey! Do you want her to hear you and think you don't like her? I don't think so", he said and walked off, and I followed him reluctantly.

"You guys ready?", LingLing asked us.

"Yup. Let's go", Travis answered and picked up his car keys.

"This is gonna be a long day...", I sighted and walked after him.

👑To be continued.......👑

🌸Things are getting interesting between out favourite Faitytale couple, can you guess what hapens next? Please share your thought on the chapter in the comments and vote.🌸

1578 words

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