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Onika's POV
May 4th, 2000
Miami, Florida

"Grandma no, bey don't want that-

"Chile shut up and take it! You don't know when the last time that nice young lady had a home cooked meal!" My grandmother yelled at me as she forced a plastic plate wrapped in foil in my hand that read "Beys Food Do Not Touch." I shook my head and waited with an open hand for my plate.

"Nika you betta' go before ya be late for work." My grandmother said pushing me out the door.

"Wait where my plate at?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I didn't make ya one. Now get on now. Don't keep Bey waitin on ya." She said. I shook my head leaving out then realized I forgot to say bye to my baby.


"She know you'll be back bye." She slammed the door in my face.

"I swear you be doing the most." I mumbled walking to my bike. Just then I saw beyonce pull up and roll down her window.

"I wish you would. Get in." She said rolling her window back up. I nodded and opened the backseat door.

"Front seat." Beyonce said. I closed the backseat door and got in the front.

"My grandmother forced me to give you this." I said not looking her directly in the face. She chuckled looking at me.

"I'm vegan." She said. Figures. I shook my head and opened the plate and scrunch my face up. I wrapped it back and gave it to Beyoncé.

"I think she knew..." I said passing her the plate. She took it sitting it in her lap and drove off.

I could feel her stealing looks from me or glancing in my direction every once in a while.

"You look beautiful." She said. I nodded whispering a thank you as I push a strand of hair behind my ear.

She pulled into a parking lot and parked in a space with her name on it. She got out the car and I followed not too far behind. We walked into the double doors and immediately Beyoncé was being greeted by the whole floor damn near.

"Good morning Ms. Knowles." Everyone said. I looked around and caught a few people staring at me. I recognized a few faces from the party. I looked down as I followed bey to her office. On the way up to her floor getting off the elevator we saw Jessica. I guess she didn't notice me because she immediately grabbed Beyoncé off the elevator and walked off with her leaving me to follow behind closely.

"Beyoncé dahling, I cant deal with these amateurs." She said as if she was about to faint. I rolled my eyes and Beyoncé stopped walking causing Jessica to look at her.

"What's the matter?" Jessica asked.

"I'll deal with that later. I have someone new and I have to train them and give them a walk through." Beyonce said. Jessica frowned.

"I thought I was overseeing the new hires?" She asked. Beyoncé nodded.

"You are. This one I wanted and asked for in person-

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