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Onika's POV
May 4th, 2000
Miami, Florida

"So what? She lied to us or something?" I asked

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"So what? She lied to us or something?" I asked. Beyonce nodded.

I sat down on the couch and Beyonce pulled her phone out checking the time I guess. She looked up at me.

"When can you start?" She asked. I looked around trying to calculate my schedule for the next few days before answering her question. Beyonce turned to look at the stairs as my grandmother came down holding her right knee.

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly making my way over to her. She swatted me away and took a seat on the couch.

"Get on now, I may be old but ion need ya help chile'. Who dis white lady sittin in my living room?" She asked. My eyes widen as Beyonce went to speak.

"I'm Beyonce, a friend of Onika. And I'm black by the way." She said extending her hand for my grandmother to shake. My grandmother looked at her with disgust and Beyonce put her hand down awkwardly.

"NIA!" My grandmother yelled. I could hear the pitter padder of size 3 shoes running down the steps. I sighed because I've told her many times to stop running in the house. When she finally reached the living room my grandmother looked at her.

"What I tell ya about runnin in da house chile?" She asked. Nia started to fiddle with hands.

"Sorry GG." She apologized. Beyonce sat there watching the two converse but immediately perked up after hearing what my grandmother was telling Nia.

"Ya see that lady right there? That's someone ya don't want ta be like. Back in my day we used ta call people like her a sellout-

"Grandma!" I cut her off. She qas being rude for no reason. Beyonce hadn't done anything but try to make my life better.

"What gyal? I'm jus tellin da chile how it is. Ya tryna tell me dis lady worked hard time ta get where she is? She ova here looking like she Neva had to deal with a struggle in ha life, fancy pants suit, Rolex, then she had da never to pull up in a Benz, yea I heard the engine when she pulled up." My grandmother said. I looked over at Beyonce who stared my grandmother down as if letting the words sync in.

"So you think just because I have luxurious things I sold out?" Beyonce asked furrowing her eyebrows. I sighed.

"Beyonce please don't take anything my grandmother says to the heart-

"I damn right believe that!" My grandmother cut me off. Beyonce nodded before speaking.

"See, people like you are the reason us as blacks don't have nice things. Because I'm black I don't deserve to live the way a white person lives without being called a sellout? Let me tell you something, my parents grew up in the streets. My mother had me at 16 years old without a man to help take care of me. If anything I was the definition of a struggle. We didn't have a place to stay, we were living in a homeless shelter until I was 15 years old and decided to do something with myself rather than watch my mother struggle knowing I could be a possible help. I got a job as a waitress at some run down restaurant making minimum wage. It wasn't enough to send me to college so I applied my self in school and was awarded grants and scholarships for graduating top of my class. I didn't give up and sure as hell never settled for less when I knew that I could do something to make a change. I didn't get the things I got from kissing ass or being a sellout, I got it because of my mindset. If they can have it why can't I? That's what you should be teaching that little girl rather than feeling her head with a bunch of crap that isn't true." Beyonce said. I looked at my grandmother and she only stared at Beyonce.

"GG is that lady being mean to you?" Nia asked. My grandmother looked at Nia then back at Beyonce.

"I apologize for actin the way I was actin towards ya. Around here we don't see too many black people living the way you do unless dey sold out. I shouldn't have judged ya so soon without knowing ya story." My grandmother said. Beyonce nodded and gave my grandmother a small smile.

"It's fine. I understand where you're coming from because there are people who do kiss ass to get to the top, I know some. But hard work does pay off, I'm living proof and Onika here, if she can set a date for when she can start, will be living proof as well." Beyonce said causing me to smile.

"I wanna be wiving poof!" Nia yelled. I laughed causing Beyonce to laugh as well but my grandmother didn't find it as funny as we did.

"Chile, da only thing I want ya ta focus on righ now is being young while you still are. Don't rush life cause when you get to that age ya gon wish ya was still kid." My grandmother said. Beyonce nodded in agreement.

Nia looked between us all with the most confused expression ever.

"What are y'all talking about?" She asked raising her arms in the arm. My grandmother tickled her as she giggled.

"Nothing chile, nothin'." She replied. Beyonce looked at me.

"So, when can you start?" She asked.

"Now?" I said questioningly. Beyonce smiled.

"Good answer. Be there Monday morning at 7. I'll send you the building address." She said. I smiled as she stood to her feet.

"It was nice meeting you Onika's grandmother-

"Call me Mrs. Maraj." My grandmother smile extending her hand which bey gladly shook. I smiled and got up to walk her to the door.

"Bye Beyonce." I said. She looked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Bye Onika." She said. Nia ran and hugged Beyonce's leg.

"Bye lady my GG called sellout!" She yelled. I laughed pulling her away.

"Nia behave." I said. Beyonce laughed.

"She's fine. Bye princess." She said. Nia gasped.

"She really thinks I'm a Pwincess!" She whispered but yelled to me. I laughed and Beyonce walked out.

"Drive safe." I said closing the door. I headed back to the couch and looked at my grandmother.

"I like her." She admitted. I shook my head.

"You were so rude to her when she first got here and now you like her?" I asked. My grandmother mugged me.

"Chile don't question me. I said what I said, I said what I meant and I meant what I said. Instead of chasing ' after them fast ass lil girls I don't like ya need to be chasing afta her. If ya gon be gay at least be gay da right way." She said.

"Grandma no-

"Ah, I don't want ta hear it, now wha we eatin fa dinner? I know ya got paid yestaday." She said leaving the living room. I shook my head to follow her.

Hopefully I won't have any problems with Jessica while I'm there knowing how much she wanted to keep me as her pool cleaning lady.

Forgot how good this story line was until I reread it.

Shall I continue or draft it for later use?

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