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A/N: New Cover Alert!☝🏼️☝🏼 I created it. I felt it needed a little more dhgvbjtf (that's French for Sparks☺️)  to it. Do you like or do you like?

Beyonce's POV
May 4, 2000
Miami, Florida

I hadn't seen or heard from Onika since that night. I knew she was embarrassed but I'd at least thought she'd have the decency to call and tell me if she'd accepted or denied my offer. But why would she deny a couple more ones followed suit by zeros in her pocket?

"So Jessica." I walked into her office as she's looking over a case or whatever she's doing. She peers up at me and removes her bifocals (glasses). She looks stressed but I really didn't come to examine her and care about those details.

"Yes dahling?" She asked placing the papers in a pile beside her. I held the bridge of my nose and advanced my way over to her desk. I pick the papers up and began to stacked them neatly on her desk. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh please, where you raised by Royal perfectionist?" She asked. I tilted my head and then untilted it as I cleared my throat.

"I didn't come in here to talk to you about my upbringing, although you seem to have been raised by wolves, but anyways, have you heard from Onika lately?" I asked as I placed my arms over my chest.

"Why actually I have." She smiled. I nodded waiting for her to proceed.

"Okay? What did she say in response to my offer?" I asked.

"She said to inform you that she's terribly sorry but she's going to have to decline for now and take a raincheck." She said. I nodded actually believing her for a split second until I noticed something. Jessica's face held a smirk for about 1.4 seconds before realizing she'd actually had her smirk on display. She quickly got rid of the smirk, replacing it with a bare look of nothing in particular. I nodded like I didn't notice anything.

"Okay, thank you for your time." I said exiting her office. She called out a quick "no problem." and I closed her door. It seems as though I'm going to have to physically go visit Onika since Jessica's clearly disturbed by my offer and doesn't want Onika to actually have a real job she could enjoy. Some friend she is.

Onika's POV
May 4th, 2000
Miami, Florida

"Mommy can we go to that rich lady's house again!? It was fun, she let me play on her tablet and she gave me my very own plate! I didn't have to share my food like me GG and you always do!" Nia beamed. It's so funny how a child didn't understand. They just speak their mind without having a care in the world if they are hurting that persons feelings or evening offending the person in any kind of way. They have no filter. Nia sat coloring in her coloring book at the table as she continued to talk while I cleaned the kitchen.

"Mommy when are you going to be wich wike that? And when you do get more moneys can I have my own woom? I don't like sweeping wif you no more, I'm too big for dat." She said. I shake my head.

"Nia?" I call her as I pause from wiping the counter.

"Yes mommy?" She asked. I smile at her and she drops the crayon she had in her hand and smiles back. I can't help but to not say what I originally planned to tell her, which was to shut the fuck up and color.

"I love you." I smile. She gets up from her table and hugs my legs.

"I luh you too mommy, I change my mind. I not want my own woom no more." She said.

"Okay baby." I smile. I hear a knock on the door as the metal gate rattles. I sit the towel down and wipe my hands on a nearby dry towel.

"Mommy who is it?" Nia asked. I shrugged my shoulders as she follows me around like a lost puppy. I look through the peephole and immediately spot blonde hair swaying back and forth in the air as if she is checking her surroundings timidity. The person behind the door knocks again. I furrowed my eyebrows and unlock the locks on the door. I open the door then unlock the metal, rusted gate and I see the woman I had met a few night ago. Nia looks at the woman and speaks.

"Mommy is she with the CPS people?" She asked hiding behind my legs. I sigh and tell her to go to her room. Beyonce, if I recall that being her name, looks behind her then back at me.

"C-can I come in? There's two guys standing out here and they keep staring at me." She said. I laugh shaking my head and step back so she can enter. I close and lock all the locks back and turn to look at Beyonce.

"How'd you know where I lived?" I asked. She looked at me.

"I'm a lawyer. I can find out anything." She smiled.

"Oh, ok." I nod with a small smile.

"I'm kidding, Jessica's secretary had your information and I took a peek." She said. I nodded.

"Well wassup?" I asked. She looks at me and smirks.

"You tell me? You declined a good offer." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I never declined your offer. You changed your mind and said you found someone new and eager." I said sitting on the couch. Beyonce's face had nothing but confusion written across it, and I'm sure mine wasn't too different.

"Jessica said you wanted to take a raincheck on my offer today." She said. I crossed my legs at the ankle and positioned myself looking her way.

"Jessica said you didn't need me anymore." I said. Beyonce laughed.

"I never said any of that. When did she tell you this?" I asked.

"The next night when I told her my decision. I told her that I was willing." I said. Beyonce's rubbed her forehead and sat down.

"Wow." She said.

"So what? She lied to us or something?" I asked. Beyonce nodded.

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