"Andrew," I finally managed to speak while Zemlicka and my father bickered about who was the rightful father of Andrew and me. "You've got it all wrong."

"Alleah? What are you saying? How could you believe such nonsense?" he asked in astonishment and I felt my heart sink in my body. What had this beast done to my brother?

"It's not nonsense, Andrew," I growled angrily. "It's the truth. That beast has corrupted your mind!"

"Hush, Alleah. You hit your head and you need to rest," he said, petting my hair softly to help me relax.

"No," I refused. I could suddenly feel a sleepy feeling go through my body like a river running though the land and I knew he was using his power against me. I quickly started to fight back, knowing what he was trying to do. "Please listen to me!"

"Alleah!" my father cried out sadly. "I need you and I love you!" Watching his face distort painfully made me realize exactly what I was missing. I began to build up an energy force because I was certainly going to need it in just a second.

"Wow, yelling for her is really going to help," Zemlicka rolled his eyes and held his hands out to take me again. Andrew pouted, but handed me over and started to head for the ship.

"Jeez," Andrew muttered, heading up the steps of the enormous metal ship that took up nearly the whole entire gym.

"Let's get our little Leah home," Zemlicka cooed, making me hate him more.

"No, please!" I heard my father plead, getting down on his knees. "Don't you think you've ruined my life enough? Please, just let me keep my daughter."

"She's not yours, Brent. She never has been. Now go bother someone else's children," Zemlicka shrieked at my dad, who looked like he was ready to cry a river. Now was the time to release.


Pushing Andrew away from me, I released the energy blow, knocking both Andrew and Zemlicka down on the ground and setting me free.

"Run to the car, Dad!" I screamed as I started to run away myself. It didn't take long before I felt a similar force pulling me back, making it nearly impossible to move.

"Stop her, Andrew! Her mind has been corrupted and we need to show her the true way!" Zemlicka yelled at my brother, even though Andrew was already fighting back. I put a force field around to make a bit more progress toward the door, but i had only taken a few steps when I felt a bulb of energy fly into my torso, knocking me clear back into the wall.

"Stop fighting, Andrew!" I growled at my twin, building up an explosion of energy. "Zemlicka is not your father! You don't even look like him! Please just trust me!"

"I can't trust you when you've been with that monster!" Andrew snarled, looking so angry that his face was turning shades of purple like a crazed disco ball. "He's lying to you!"

"No he is NOT!" I hollered back, beginning to tremble from the anger I was feeling. This would be great for my energy source.

"All I want is to be with my little sister and to see her safe," Andrew said calmly, trying to gather himself together. "Is that really too much to ask?"

"My dear daughter, can we please just be a happy family together? Please just forget that lying son of a-"

"DON'T talk about my father like that," I hissed. The pressure from the energy was beginning to give me a migraine. I needed to release.

"I wasn't mocking myself, sweet Alleah," Zemlicka cooed, giving me a calm grin. He grinned almost exactly when I felt myself being tugged toward them again, like two enormous, but baby soft hands holding my waist and pulling me toward the two boys.

"I wasn't talking about you, Zemlicka," I rolled my eyes and started to push the hands off my waist. I watched Andrew tense up and try again, but I simply just pushed it off. "I've had it with your lies!"

"Alleah for the last time," Andrew growled, "we are not lying!"

Putting my hands out in front of me, I began to grow a bubble of energy in front of their faces, slowly growing it up to be a beast. By the time I was almost done, it was the size of a horse, just with rounder dimensions.

"Andrew, whatever that thing is, destroy it," Zemlicka whispered to Andrew. Just as he was agreeing, I held it like a volleyball in my palm and threw it up, preparing to spike it. Throwing it up in the air, I slammed a hit on it just as I felt a gust of wind plunge into my gut, throwing me back against the wall. I felt the concrete slam into my skull, a wave a throbbing following.

As soon as I could force my eyes open, I noticed Andrew and Zemlicka lying on the ground looking completely unconscious. Barely able to get up, I stumbled my way out to the parking lot where my father sat with the Camaro in the emergency lane. As soon as he saw me, he jumped out of the car and helped me to the passenger seat as fast as he could, speed walking to the drivers seat before zooming away.

I rubbed my head in both the spots I had gotten hit while my dad slammed the speedometer over one-hundred miles per hour.

"What happened, Alleah?" he asked, looking at me, panicked. "What's wrong?"

"My head," I whined, grasping it as I leaned my head against the back of the seat.

"Brent, I think we need to take her to a hospital," Barry said, concern on his tone. "She looks terrible."

"We can't!" my father snapped, speeding even faster. "We need to get as far away from here as we possibly can."

"But Brent, your daughter needs help. Something bad could happen if you don't take her to the hospital."

"What about Zemlicka and my son?" my father's voice began to gain volume. "What if they find us again?"

"Dad, please," I whimpered. The high frequency of his raising voice was making the throbbing unbearable.

"Brent, please just pull into the nearest hospital. It's better for all of us," Phil said quietly. My dad let out an exasperated sigh and I felt a change in the speed. The car slowly began to decelerate and we took many sharp turns before the car skidded to a stop.

I kept my eyes closed as I heard my door being thrown open, a bunch of men calling to eachother. I could make out my father's voice amongst them as I felt arms pull me out of the Camaro and place me on a stretcher, rolling me into the emergency room. Finally too exhausted to keep grasping reality, I let my mind slip into its own depths tiredly. It was happier there anyway.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! It's been pretty hectic around here. I hope you enjoy! :D

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