I stayed quite as bhai's words started sinking in. He probably understood my silence, ''You would have done the same. Veer, she gave you the most precious gift of the universe in form of Vikram. She went through all the torture only for your love. She send the child back , herself being driven to the doors of death. Just for a moment be in her place.''

I swallowed the dryness of my throat, My eyes moved to Vikram who had all his attention on Bhai now. Extending his small arm he made a small sound to get Bhai's attention. Bhai smiled and took him from me. ''You know what angered her the most?'' Bhai asked and I just stared at him waiting for the answer.

''She thinks you are danger to her child. Remember this Veer, for a woman nothing is more important that her child. You messed with the mother.''

''I never intended to hurt him.'' I explained

''I know, she doesn't. And this should be explained to her not to me.'' Bhai replied, his eyes completely focused on my playful son. Vikram seemed to be talking to his uncle in his own language and Bhai replies with his own understanding.

''What should I do?'' I asked

''Boss, its your mess, clean it yourself. I already have a bigger one waiting in my suite.'' Just when he mentioned Ananya, his phone started buzzing. He rolled his eyes and kissed Vikram's forehead, ''your A is one drama queen son. I am warning you, learn all from her except for her drama.'' Vikram seemed to disagree as he giggled , appeared to be mocking bhai.

''What's the fuss is all about?'' I couldn't help but ask

''She wanted to visit her parents for few weeks and I refused. As a punishment , she is now finding faults with everything and digging old incidents to pick fights with me.'' Vikram giggled more, he felt bhai was talking to him as he never removed his eyes of Vikram. ''See, even this little guy is laughing on me.''

''You should permit her , it's just few days.''

''I can't Veer. Netra just threatened Vikram, Ananya is right now in the most vulnerable state and I don't trust our rivals.'' He answered, little thoughtful.

''Bhai, she wouldn't dare''

''She would, she is wounded and more or less broke. She will have to depend on her father. You have no idea, how rich Suryagarh is and how cruelly it had been plundered. Deepika saved lives of all staying there or it would have turned into a graveyard. She asked me to appoint a manager, who could look over the estate. But none are ready to step in, fearing Mahendra Singh's loyalists .Those people are waiting to strike, she destroyed their dark world and to gain control on that they need Deepika and Vikram eliminated''

''Hand it over to me. Let me clean the remaining mess.'' That came in one shot. I wanted to give her peace. hai stared at me shaking his head, ''No, I can't risk you.''

''I will be safe, my name a status will keep me safe. Please, bhai.'' He nodded and then hugged Vikram lovingly, ''We will talk in the morning, if I don't present myself to the Queen, she might just drown me in the emotional blackmail.'' Smiling he handed Vikram to and left after whishing us both.

Back to the suite, I was greeted by a horrifying scene. Deepika stood in the middle of the room all deshelved and scared. I quickly placed Vikram back into his crib moving to Deepika, ''What's wrong?''

She let out a pained sobbed before covering her face and breaking down, ''I thought, you took him away from me.'' She chocked and sobbed harder. Moving to her slowly, I pulled her palms off her face. She resisted and I forced, ''You don't have faith on me?''

''No, on my luck.'' She answered. 'She walked passed me to have a glimpse of our son. She smiled as she watched him being all playful. ''You should sleep Dipu.''

''Yes, I should..'' She replied as if under a spell. Kissing Vikram, she moved on to her side curling her body in a corner. Huffing, I moved to mine and covered her with a duvet. She shivered and then settled. Laying on my back, I kept staring at the ceiling for long. She kept fidgeting not being able to sleep. Bhai was right, though she kept a brave front, she had been scarred bad. I will have to know of all she went through. My thoughts broke, when she fidgeted again. I closed my eyes once to kill the urge to pull her in my arms, I failed. Next moment, I moved closer to her pulling her in my arms. She didn't protest, but buried her form completely into mine letting out a deep content sigh. With my fingers  I combed her dark long hairs, massaging her scalp. ''I can fight you and will fight you, but I can't leave you nor  will let you leave me at any cost. Do you hear me.'' I whispered on the top of her head . She let out a small sob moving closer she wrapped her arm around my middle. Her fingers gripping  my t-shirt firmly at the back, ''You hurt me Veer. Out of all, I never expected it from you. It killed me every moment.''

I knew, if I answered this would result into another fight. So I decided to stay quite, pulling her further closer, I pecked her forehead. ''Do you remember what I had told you once.''

She sniffed, ''what?''

''That even if I hate you, I will bring you back and lock you with me forever. You are my need, my drug, my reason to breath.'' She lifted her eyes up to meet mine. It pained to see her tear laden face. Leaning closer , I captured her tear between my lips, ''I missed you like crazy Dipu.''

''Then why did you call me a slut.'' She complaied

''I never did, yes I did use some wrong words but that was because I was hurt and angry.'' Rubbing my nose tip against hers, I softly pecked her lips . She closer her eyes and then opened them again to look into mine, ''I want to sleep, will you hold me?''' She asked in a doubtful voice.

''I will, if you promise to share all with with me. If you promise to fight no more.''

''I didn't you started it, I came to you with so many hopes. It was just your love that kept me alive Veer, or I would have given my life away. And you pushed me away.'' She complained trying to push me off. My arms tighten around her, burying my face in in her neck I chuckled as her struggle increased. Pushing her on her back, I locked under my body, ''Stop fighting Dipu.''

''Don't take this to be my forgiveness Veer, I am not going to make it easy. '' She challenged me . Lowering myself further on her, I locked her arms above her head, watching her face intently. I love her, madly. I don't how I stayed annoyed with her and for so long. I kissed her temple, her furrowed brows, her nose, her eyes her chin her neck and then her lips. She tried to stop me but gave in, I kissed her as if there was no tomorrow. She was mine and will stay mine for life. Good or bad, in anger or in love, I just can't let her go. When she started responding, I let go her hands moving them down her body. She moved her arms around my neck and then suddenly pushed me off her, ''No''

''How long ? You won't be able to resist me long princess. I challenge you on that.'' I teased

''I am going to sleep in other room.'' With that she tried leaving the bed, I pulled her back wrapping my arms and leg around her, ''Fine, sleep. I won't disturb you again.'' She stared at me doubtfully, before relaxing in my arms. Its almost an year since we slept like this. This was my home. I know, it will take time to woo her, but I am going to enjoy it. My love story is twisted, and it would fun to chase and make my wife again.


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Next- Her violent pasts starts opening in front of Veer.

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