Chapter 3: Hospital Visit

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Heidi's POV

I hear my room door open to see Ally, Carly, and Jordan standing there, "Are you up for some visitors?" Ally asks quietly looking around the room. "Yeah, come on in, Harry is back at school, and I am just finishing up feeding the baby." The three girls push the door open and filed into the room all admiring Henry, "He is the cutest baby I have ever seen." Ally coos happily, "You definitely take after your daddy little man." Carly comments, "Did Harry and you pick out a name yet?" Jordan asks turning her head to me, "His name is Henry Hook." I say with pride, "How does it feel to be a mother now?" Carly asks as the three girls sit on the bed, "It has been a learn as you go process, but I think Harry and I are getting the hang of it." All the girls nod their heads, "Do you think you will be well enough for the first day of school?" Ally asks messing with my blanket, "Aurora said that I should just fine." Ally perks up, "Isn't going to be difficult to be attending classes with a new born?" Jordan looks from me to Henry then back to me, "Harry and I talked about it and came to an agreement, Harry will take care of Henry while I go to my classes, and I will take care of the baby while Harry is at night school." The three girls look at each with the same puzzling face, "Harry is going to night school?" I know what people might think but this is the way Harry wanted it, "Yes, we might see each other a lot, but it is what has to be done." A sudden knock on the door ends our conversation, in walks Ben, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. "We should get going, and I will see you later." Just like that Ally, Carly, and Jordan walk out. "They didn't have to leave." Carlos comments picking up little Henry, "They are just acting weird about Harry attending night school, and by the way Ben I cannot thank you enough for allowing Harry to do that." Ben smiles at me placing his hand on mine, "It is the least I could do." Ben and I haven't really talked since that almost incident in his office, "Fairy Godmother was more than happy to volunteer her services." Mal sits on the side of the bed, "I really hope that you will be there to welcome the new students." I smile nodding my head, "I will be there I promise." Evie pushes Jay and Ben out of her way, "I brought something for the baby." Evie squeals loudly holding up a huge blue bag, "Between Dizzy and you this baby is never going to need another outfit again." Evie sigh content as she pulls out a handmade dark grey onesie with a bow tie on it and saying, 'Auradon I have arrived." On the front of it in black letters, "That is super cute Evie." I take the onesie from her and place in my bag of take home things, "I've noticed some tension between Ben and you." Mal speaks softly, "It's nothing Mal, believe me I have been so focused on this baby." I can tell Mal wasn't buying it, but she just left at that, "How much longer do you have to stay in the hospital?" Jay asked sitting down next to Mal, "Just for another day, if everything checks out they will send Henry and I home tomorrow." Ben stares out the window. "I am actually glad that you all came to visit today, Harry and I talked all night last night, and we finally agreed on who should be Henry's God parents." I place my hand over Mal's hand, "Harry and I would be grateful if Mal and Ben would be his God parents." Mal's eyes start tearing up a little, but Ben on the other hand looks like he is going to be sick. "You sure, I mean there are lot of people to consider for the honor." I nod my head and fling my arms around Mal giving her a hug, "You and Ben have been there when it really mattered, and I can think of no one better than the two of you." Mal pulls out of the hug, "I would love to be his God mother." I turn my attention to Ben who is just staring at Henry, "What about you Ben? You have been with me every single step of the way since I stepped foot in Auradon, and Henry is going to need someone like you to teach him." Ben pulls his eyes away from Henry and stares into my eyes, "I would love to be his God father." I smile up at Ben who returns the smile, "I can't believe that little Henry has hair on the top of his head already." Evie look down at Henry, "Aurora said that it's not unusual for newborns to be born with hair on their head." I loved seeing how much Carlos has taken on the role of uncle, in fact Carlos spends more time with Henry then he does with anyone else lately. "Nice to know that the two of you have bonded." Carlos smiles at me, "Just don't tell Jane, she might get jealous." Carlos's comment make me bust out in laughter. "We should be getting back to campus, we have a lot of royal stuff to do." Ben comments as Mal and Jay stand up from the bed, and Carlos put Henry back into his bed "I will see you soon?" Mal asks to me. I nod my head and all of them give me a hug before walking out. Ben opens the door but before he leaves he turns to me, "Henry has brown hair, I could have sworn that Harry has black hair, and you have blonde hair" Ben comments, "I wonder which one of his parents he gets that from." Ben inclines his head as he walks out of the room.

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