Battle for Beacon

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[A/n: ALRIGHT!, grab your popcorn, your drinks, or do what ever it is you do when reading my books! When you've done that sit your asses down and prepare for the long chapter!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!]

Y/n's POV

Ezio: bye ladies

Altaïr: this is the hundredth time Ezio, please I'm begging you. Keep your dick in your pants

Y/n: Altaïr you do know who your talking to right

Altaïr: your right

He said pulling out his dagger and grabbing Ezio's pants

Altaïr: I have a permanent solution

Ezio: Y/N HELP!

(Time skip with chibi Ezio running from chibi Altaïr)


Y/n: Edward keep it down

Edward: no I am not fighting Mercury

I stared at him with dead eyes. Edward and Mercury hit it off, when they met and became best friends

Y/n: look Mercury is fighting you and you have no choice, just treat it like a sparring match

Edward remained silent before giving up

Edward: if something goes wrong I'm blaming you

(Time skip, with chibi Edward and chibi Mercury fighting)

Edward's POV

Me and Mercury stood across from each other he was grinning while I was doing some checks on my Hidden blades

Mercury: can't believe I'm fighting you during the singles

Edward: yeah

I activate a hidden blade a few times the blade jumping in and out of sight

Port: 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!!!!!

I drew my new swords, I had been working on them for a while and managed to incorporate a pistol into each one. Mercury started us off with a kick to my face, which I deflected with the guard of my right sword, just in time to avoid the blast from his boots, gritting my teeth I swung my left sword at his face as he used the recoil to launch himsef backwards, I rushed forward thrusting my sword at his chest hitting him, while firing the gun forcing him back, moving forward I swung my right sword only to have it sent flying out of my hands by a kick from mercury, Ijumping back I growled as I partially activated my semblance teleporting my sword back to my hand in a ball of green flames. Mercury's eyes widened as he tried to make sense of what he saw, shaking his head he started firing blasts into the air around him causing them to transform into a tornado. I gritted my teeth as he brought the tornado down, causing me to charge him

Mercury's POV

Mercury: *heavy breathing* that should do it

Edward: guess again!

I was punched backwards emptying my aura


Y/n's POV

Me, Ezio, Altaïr, and Connor walked up to Edward and Mercury clapping and I was wearing my moms coat over a red T-shirt

Y/n: that was a great fight guys

Mercury: *gasp* I would've won had you not used those new swords of yours

I looked at Edwards waist to see his dual pistol swords


We all turned to see hundreds of men with large red crosses on their armor/clothing run into the arena

Assassin of remnant (RWBY x Assassin's creed reader) [Canceled]Where stories live. Discover now