The Prelims

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The Hokage did his little speech on friendship between villages then let the next proctor take over.

"Before the 3rd and final round we shall a preliminary round there are to many of you so when you name pops on the board you will fight till a winner is determined. In the fight my word is law so you will listen or you will not pass" the proctor said.

The board started to turn and stopped on Gaara of Suna and Hai from Taki

Both Garra and Hai stood in the in the down in the battle ring.

"Ready" both nodded "fight" the proctor yelled.

Hai took his sword out and rushed Gaara.

Gaara put his hand down to the ground and yelled (Sand Tsunami).
Sand burst from the ground making a giant wave. The sand wave came forward to crush Hai.

After it hit him Hai was out cold and the match was over.

Gaara walked back over to Naruto and Temari.

The board starting moving again. It stop on Fuu from Taki vs Shino Aburame.

Shino walked down the stairs when fuu jumped the railing to the fighting arena.

The proctor looked at both of them. "
Fighters ready" both nodded "Fight" He yelled.

Shino jumped back. " Proctor I give up" Shino said.

"Really your fun at all" The green hair girl said.

"Its only logical that I give up my bugs won't attack you for some reason" Shino stated.

Both went back up to the where there teams where when the board started moving again.

Tenten of Konaha vs Kin of Oto.

Both girls came down and got in too position.

Kin went to for her bell trick but Tenten broke he bells with Kuni. The Tenten jumped in the air and seem to float and hit Kin in the neck with a needle of her own knocking the girl out cold.

The board moved again and a fight was to begin. Naruto of Suna vs Zaku of Oto.

Both hurried down to begin to fight.

"I'm going to blow you away" Zaku said.

"No thanks I have a girlfriend for that I'm not in to guys" Naruto laughed.

Up in the stands Gaara was laughing at his brother in all but bloods bad taste of a joke.

Temari rolled her eyes.

Zaku send a blast of wind chakra at Naruto who flickered out of the way.
This went on for a few mins before Zaku got mad.

"Stop running so I can blow you away" Zaku said.

"What's with your obsession with trying to blow me dude. I don't swing that way dude. Its okay if you do but you can't force it on people. That's a no-no bad touch"Naruto laughed.

"That's it I'm done with you" Zaku yelled and more power wind attack at Naruto.

Naruto was laying on the ground. He was out cold.

"Stupid big mouth now ill finish you off" Zaku said.

Zaku put one arm out ready to finish the fight. When in a blink of an eye his whole arm was cut off.

The Naruto that was on the ground was a clone the real one was on the ceiling. Wait for the right time to strike.

Naruto had cut his arm off at the shoulder.

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