Finals part 2 / A death in the family ?

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Temari and Tenten put on a show both girls gave it their all but it was Temari the victor due to the medical jutsu Temari learned from Tsunade. Tenten chakra points  turn off and her nervous system in disarray. As Tsunade had shown her.

The next matchup was Sasuke vs Naruto. Sasuke ran down and was waiting. He had a very angry look on his face.

Naruto was sitting on the balcony when Temari walked up to him."How does my hair look good? " Naruto asked.

"It looks like you, " Temari replied.

" A kiss for luck" Naruto said as he handed her his special Kuni. She threw it down near Sasuke and kissed him. Naruto fell backwards and yelled out " You complete me".

The flashed down to his kuni and picked it up and placed it back in his holder. He then faced Sasuke and gave him a foxy smirk.

"I don't care who your worthless father was or your whore of a mother was. You're nothing more than trash. Your power comes from the demon fox and after I put you 6 feet under I'll take your slut girlfriend to add her to my harem where she will give me future Uchiha son and daughters that will be her only use. " Sasuke said.

Naruto frowned " Sasuke I'm going to not only kill you am going to make you wish Itachi killed you all those years ago".

The proctor gave the go ahead to start and Naruto Flashed right to Sasuke and punched him in the face sending him flying back. Naruto flashed again behind him then a hammer punched him into the ground. Sasuke crawled out of the hole.

"How are you using a flying thunder god jutsu like that? You never marked me " Sasuke yelled.

" Who said I need to mark you.  I have made a breakthrough. I just need to sense your chakra and I can teleport " Naruto said as he once again flashed to Sasuke and kicked him in the head and sent him flying into the arena wall.

Sasuke fell out of the crater his body was once in. When the Kage box exploded, bombs all over the city started going off. Naruto quickly flashed to Gaara and Temari and got them out of harm's way.

He flashed them to the Hokage monument on his fathers head. As they watched in awe as the village hidden in the leaves was almost destroyed.

Once the explosions stopped Naruto Temari and Gaara all went back looking for survivors helping people buried under the rubble.

After hours of searching for people, Temari went to the hospital to help where she finally found Tsunade and Shizune helping injured people.

When they saw Temari they gave her a group hug. They were very happy Temari was still alive and not hurt.

"Are Gaara and Naruto okay? " Shizune asked.

" Yes, they're both fine out there helping dig people out of the rubble. " Temari said

As the hours go on we find Naruto helping free a few kids trapped under some rubble when Naruto is surrounded by leaf black ops.

"Naruto Uzumaki you are under arrest for the murder of Sasuke Uchiha , Jiraiya the toad sage and the bombing of the village hidden in the leaf. "

"I didn't do any of that, what are you talking about?" Naruto replied.

Anbu did say anything but the one behind Naruto hit Naruto in the back of his head with the blunt end of his sword knocking Naruto out.

When Rasa heard this whole story about Naruto killing the last Uchiha in cold blood plus the murder of Jiraiya he knew to call bull shit on this whole thing. He then knew he had to inform his children and Tsunade.

He told Tsunade first " what no no no the impossible there's no way my grand baby did all that. " As Tsunade fell over crying, Temari came into the room " Father, what's going on? " Temari asked.

Tsunade replied crying Jiraiya and that Uchiha boy were killed during the attack earlier today and they are blaming Naruto for it".

Temari started to cry then her body shut down and she fell over. Tsunade and Rasa both hurried over to her to make sure she was okay. " She's okay, she just fainted," Tsunade told Rasa.

When Rasa told Gaara was ready to bury the rest of the village to get Naruto out of there. "Gaara be calm and let's see how this plays out for now but if it comes down to it we will go to war to get him back " Rasa told Gaara confidently.

Raza thought to himself if this plays the way I think it will they will try to have him kill after a bullshit trial but if he demands trial by combat we can get him off easy but the leaf has those stupid rules of trial by combat. Then Raza laughed. This will be funny. Naruto is going to get a surprise and the leaf is going to shit themselves.

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