My bladder is the size of a peanut.

I rush into the bathroom, and empty out my insides a little later than 30 seconds.

I'm clean and rinsed 5 minutes after the lunch bell rang, so I decide to make myself fashionably late by walking slow all 3 flights of stairs.

I'm outside the room Jason asked me to meet him in, and I hesitate before opening the door.

Resting my hand on the handle, I slowly open the door, only to find it pitch black.

I step into the room, and shut the door quickly behind me. "Jason?" I call out quietly.

My eyes adjust to the new setting, and I suddenly find 3 cans of cola seperated by 2 desks at the very end of the class.

What the...

"Jason, I swear to God if you are hiding and are planning on scaring me..." I leave my threat hanging, hoping he'll get the message.

"Alright, alright. Buzz kill," he mumbles behind me, and I swirl around, shoving him back.

"Why am I here, Jas?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He grins, and takes my hand in his, guiding me in the center of the room near the teacher's desk.

"We... are going to practice using telekinesis," he rests his hands on his hip, proud of himself.

"Wh-what?" I exhale, waiting for him to explain.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna help you control your magic, dumbo. Starting with telekinesis," he holds my shoulders, moving me to the side slightly. "I'll show you what to do, and you just try copying me, okay?"

I slowly nod in understanding. "Great," he grins.

His attention is suddenly on a can of coke, and he shuts his eyes. He lifts up his hand in preparation to catch the can.

In a matter of seconds, the cans flies into his grasp perfectly.


I stare wide-eyed at his hold on the can, then back to his face. "Can you show me how?"

He opens his eyes, and smiles. He nods, and places the can on the teachers desk behind him. "Come here."

I take two long steps to him, and he holds my hips so I'm right in front of the second can of cola.

"Listen to my voice, okay?" He whispers in my ear, and I nod slowly.

"Clear every thought you have in your mind. Erase it," he stops speaking, and I nod. He starts again. "Clear everything, except of the thought of that can coming into your hand. Feel the movement."

He lifts my dominant hand up, and I do what he did before, which is holding my hand up as if it was holding the can already.

"Ready?" He asks at my side, and I close my eyes, slowly nodding.

I scrunch up my face, and and try to focus on it coming my way, however by the sound of glass shattering, I assume I failed.

I flutter my eyes open, and I can't find the can anywhere in the room.

"Emma, let's just try again," Jason says. I turn around to face him, but I see what I ended up hitting in the background.

The fucking window.

"Fuck," I groan, dropping my hand.

"It's okay Em, it's your first time trying to control it. Try again," he reassures and I sigh loudly.

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