Writing 6

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Society. The base of all things perfect. It creates a goal for us. Let's us know that while we might be happy as is there is still a better way to look or be living. Men and Women alike have been given a perfect role by society. Men are supposed to be mysterious and vague. They are not supposed to open up freely and are only supposed to care about lifting weights and getting women to fall for them. Women are supposed to be small, skinny, have a curvy figure, and act extremely emotional. We are supposed to openly cry and slather makeup all over our faces so our imperfections are hidden. However, it seems that no true person fits these goals. Sure, people may pretend they have achieved it by getting help from implants and beating back their real self. Yet is that beauty? We see it everyday on magazines and tv, what we are supposed to be, and we create a hatred towards ourselves. Towards who we truly are. It starts out when we are young. When girls wish to be princesses and boys wish to be an astronaut or a race car driver. We all long to have society's eyes on us. To see us as perfect, but all society sees is imperfections that it calls you out on. It beats down your dreams. Beats down your hope until one day you look into the mirror and something clicks. Your face curls into a look of hatred as you stare at yourself, memorizing those imperfections like they were the gospel. Society has created hatred. We are the victims who believe it and fall into its never ending pit of despair. One day you may think you have escaped, but society has planted a seed of hatred towards yourself in your stomach and it will not let you forget it. No one can escape. It makes sure of that.

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