Writing 1

14 1 0

What exactly is the point of celebrities? We know them. We love them. We wish to meet them. We wish to be like them. However, what is the point? Most are glorified and thought of as amazing just because they can speak quickly or have a wonderful voice. What good is that voice though when all that comes out of it is filth? When their words have no true meaning but hatred and evil. Why do we look up to them when all they sing about is girls shaking their butts or drinking the night away for no reason. What happened to the celebrities that tried to change the world? They were mostly gunned down. Thought of as bad for their opinions. Thought of as evil for trying to make the world better. Why do we do this? We say we want to make the world better yet we do not teach or children that it is wrong to cuss. We say we want to make the world better but we make no true efforts to make everyone equal. If you ask me. Celebrities are part of this effect. However, take these words with a grain of salt. For we all have different opinions. Yet I must ask. Don't you want to make this world better?

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