Drocell x Reader (songfic) //DollHouse//

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                                 3rd person pov

Once upon a time and all that bullshit, there lived a girl in her 20s. She was a simple toymaker. She was known by her costumers as 'The Toymaker of the Century'.

Her small shop was all she had. It's blue door, (Jason the toymaker anyone?) Pale pink walls, and shelves filled with her creations. The whole shop gave off a friendly atmosphere.

As the small candle she lit gave off light and filled the room with a vanilla scent, the doorbell rang. Her head perked up to see a young boy around the age of 14.

He has short blue hair, 1 blue eye, the other eye covered by a simple eye patch. His attire made it obvious he was a nobleman. She wondered why he was here, in her small shop.

"Miss" was all he said. She quickly scrambled, finishing the last stitch on a small stuffed bunny. "Y-Yes, sir?" She managed to studder. She wondered if she had done something wrong.

"I am the Earl Phantomhive and this is my butler Sebastian." He stated. "Welcome to my store, "(First Names) toy shop. Anything I can do for you two?" She managed to say without stuttering.

                                 Your Pov

"Well, my lord is on a case by the queen. We were wondering if anything strange has happened around here?" 'Sebastian' said. "W-well nothing has happened here." I said tripping on my words.

"Why are you stuttering? Also do make custom orders." The young earl asked. "W-Well I new you must b-be noble...m-man so I was quite surprised when you came in. A-Also yes I do make c-custom orders."

"We apologise for frightening you. The young lord seems to be very interested about your toys." Sebastian added. "About the order, could you make this for me?" He asked as he pulled out a drawing of a stuffed rabbit really close to the one I was working on, but with different colors.

The rabbit was split down the middle with one side being blue, the other black. Mine was red and cream colored. They both had an eye patch on the left eye surrounded by lace. Then one button eye on the other side. It wore a black jacket to top it off.

"I can make it." I replied. "Thank you." The earl said as he walked off. Then I got everything ready for tomorrow. I went upstairs to my bedroom. It consisted of a small bed, a bedside table, a window, and shelves on the surrounding the walls.  The shelves had all of my materials.

Then I went to my bathroom. It had a small tub, a towl rack, a toliet, and a sink. That was all I needed. I locked the door. Then lit my candle, and closed the curtain covering the only other light source. I ran my bath water and got the soap from in the cabinet under the sink.

Once the water ran, I stripped and got into my bathtub. I washed my hair and body. Then, I quickly got out, grabbed my towel off the rack and dried off. Next, I put on my night clothes then, dried the water that spilled during my bath. I quickly brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, I braided it quickly. Then put out the candle.

After my bath, feeling refreshed, I unlocked the door and went to my bedroom. I cleaned my room real quick. Then, I decided to start working on the rabbit the young earl requested. I grabbed my blue fabric off the shelf, and started with the ears.

Once I was satisfied with how the ear looked, I put the supplies up and went to bed.

                                 The Next Day

I walked down the staircase leading to the shop, I brought the small ear with me. I grabbed the needle and thread, threaded the needle, then started to work on my project. Then the small bell rang. I looked up from my work and saw a little girl.

She had dark brown hair and huge green eyes. With her there was another young 14 year old boy and a butler. Oh god, not again. "Hello!" The young girl exclaimed. I recognise that voice! "Sally?" I asked. (Another CP reference) "(Your name)! I found a nobleman on the street!" Sally squealed.

"That's great Sally." I said hoping the young boy noticed that I didn't ask her to bring him. But when I looked over, he was gone. The butler was there though. I heard the boy scream "It's. So. Cute!" The butler looked over at his master.

"Shall I get it for you, your highness?" The butler asked. "Yes!" He replied excitedly. It fills my heart with joy when I see kids happy about the new toy they just got.

Then the bell rang again.

It was the boy from yesterday. I said my usual greeting and then I heard the other young nobleman say, "Phantomhive." Then the Earl replied, "Trancy." It was obvious they didn't like each other.

I don't like conflict in my shop. I tried to ignore their fight and think about visiting my boyfriend soon. I dream about becoming Mrs. Keinz. I was snapped back to reality by the sound of something being placed on my desk.

"That will be 5 shillings (That's like $0.50 I believe)." The butler paid me and the 3 (Sally, Alois, and Claude) of them left me alone. I want to see my boyfriend really soon. Then the Earl asked when it will be done. I told him around Friday. I want to see my lover.

I want him to come in here and ease my loneliness.

I did my nightly routine and fell asleep. I was extremely tired. I couldn't work on my project at the moment. I knew I could finish it tomorrow if I am not busy. Then I let sleep take over.

                               The Next Day

My boyfriend Drocell is going to help me today! I am very excited. I finally get to see him. We are always busy with work so we don't see each other very often.

Then the bell rang.

I ran downstairs in my pale pastel pink dress with a white mini apron. When I got down I saw the one and only Drocell. He was in his usual attire. I swear that outfit must be expensive as fuck. I spent enough money buying this.

"Did you get a new request?" He says looking at the photo from the Earl. "Yeah, it's due Friday. I have 2 days left." I replied casually. "Want some help?" He asked. "Sure." I said.

I grabbed the needle, thread, lace, fabric, sewing machine, buttons, and some pastries to snack on. I started by sewing the eye patch, while Drocell started to sew the lacing around the patch.

Drocell finished first, while I finished up, he was sewing details on the coat. I finally finished and started the other ear. Every once in a while I helped a costumer. The day went by fast, and soon, Drocell had to leave.

I was hoping I could see him in a little while.

Soon.....but.....people don't really know what happens in this dollhouse I call a shop.

To be continued?

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