Chapter 25✨

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Zena p.o.v

Marcus grabbed my stuff and walked back over to me and wrap his arm over my shoulder and help me walk out the house I felt bad like everything hurt.

Helping me into his car Marcus put my stuff in the backseat and gave me my phone. Trying to cut it back on it wouldn't so I'm guessing it black out great I can't contact my dad.

"Baby Girl you alright?" Marcus asked me. Still looking at my phone.

"No. " Then I started to cry. Like why all the sudden all this bad stuff happen to me. I honestly don't understand.

"Baby please dont cry. Okay I'm going to take you to my house so my mom can clean you up and then we'll go to your dad okay. " He said grabbing my hand kissing it. I still was crying my head was just pounding like crazy.

Laying my head against the window I just continue to look at my phone till I fell asleep.

Shortly after falling I was woken back up.

"Baby come on get up we're at my house." He said I raise my arms up because I wanted him to carry me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him while he closed the door with my me and my things in his arms he locked his car doors and we walked into his house. He walked all the way to his room and laid me gently on the bed.

"I'll be right back baby I have to get my mom." He said I nodded sitting up I put my hands on my head. Which was still pounding I thought that quick nap would have help but it didnt.

About two minutes his momma came in with a first aid kit.

"Awe Zena baby." Her facial expression made me tear up then I started to cry.

Marcus soon come in with a wet towel and a pill bottle.

Mrs. Jenkins clean my face and put some ointments on the stratches I had on my face.

"Alright baby thankfully your nose isn't broken but it is swollen and here are some Tylenol to help with the pain okay." She said. Nodding she gave me two Tylenol and a bottle water I took the pills. They cleaned up while I took off the bloody sweatshirt I was upset cause that was my favorite.

"Baby Girl you ready to go to your dads house?" Marcus asked.

"No I'm so tired can we go to sleep. I promise as soon as I wake up I'll get dress and go over there." I said.

"Alright I staying home tomorrow with you." Marcus.

"No Peanut you dont need to be missing school go to school Ill be fine if any body ask just say I'm sick okay. " I said he looked uncertain.

"I'll be fine when I wake I'll wash and go straight over to my dads I promise." I said looking him in his eyes so he knows I'm not lying.

"Okay Baby Girl." He said laying in the bed. Laying next to him he wrap me in his arms and I snuggled against him.

Waking up I was a lil confuse on where I was. Sitting up it felt soar that's when all my memories came back to me.

Getting out the bed I saw my bag. I needed to shower. Opening the door closest to me I sighed when I saw it was a bathroom like a connect on so he might share one with his brother. Going I locked both doors.

Grabbing my rag and toothbrush I began to brush my teeth and wash my face.

Once I was done with that I began turn on the shower on to my liking and took off my shorts and T-shirt.

Looking at all the soap option I saw there was some Dove bodywash and I was thankful because I would hate to use the Axe one.

Spending 10 minutes in the shower I got out and wrap myself in the towel drying off I began to put on my outfit.

"Awe man I forgot a pair of socks that's alright Marcus won't mind." I said putting my things back in my bag I walk out and put the bag on the floor next to the bed. Walking over to his dresser I open it and saw he had alot of socks grabbing a pair of white ankle socks I sat on the bed and put them on grab my Clark's and put those on.

I started to make up his bed and just clean up alil I don't know I just felt like I had to do it since he let me stay the night.

Once done with that I grabbed my things and left out his room walking down the same halls I was crying in last night I heard a TV and follow the direction of the noise and it led me to the living room where Mrs. Jenkins and Marlon sat.

"Hey Mrs. Jenkins, Hey Marlon thank you for letting me stay the night and cleaning me up I really appreciated that." I said which got both of their attention.

"It's no problem baby. You were sleep for a long time it's almost three." She said which surprised me I thought it was early in the morning.

"Wow I didn't know it was that late well I'm going to head home my dad should home by now." I said since its Wednesday he usually leave earlier on those days.

"Alright baby if you need anything you know your always welcome over here." She said while Marlon climb off the couch and walk over to me picking him up I kissed his cheek and started to tickle his face which made him laugh.

"Okay Mrs. Jenkins and bye bye handsome." I said handing him back over to his Mom.

Walking out the house and closing the door I already know shit was gonna pop off when my dad see my face.

I didn't see his car so I sighed. I didn't have the house key I forgot it which was stupid off me. Sitting on the step I put my head on my knees just looking at the ground. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear my Dad pull up and get out the car.

"Zena? Thank God I thought the worst when you didn't get a call from you a text or something." I quickly jump up and ran into his arms crying.

"Baby what's wrong why are you crying?" Daddy asked.

"P-Please don't make me go back there." I said sniffling on his shoulder.

"Zena what happen? Baby Girl please talk to me. " He said pulling me away I looked down I didn't want him to see my face.

"Zena forreal what's wrong you can tell me anything you know I don't judge." He said. With the little courage  I had I looked up at my dad when he saw my face he look like he damn near was gonna have a heart attack.

Heyyyyyyy Y'all I think after this chapter I wanna make the chapters longer like a two for one type thing but I dont know I be too wishy washy. I don't know how many chapters I wanna put into the book but I'm pretty sure the books gonna end with her graduating High School so I don't know🤷🤷. Comment, Enjoy, and Vote. Peace✌✌

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