Chapter 10

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When I walked out of the bank, I was $500,000 dollars short and yet I still managed to wear a cheeky grin. Surely this would be what got Jack on my side. I smirked and walked through the front doors of my hotel and practically ran up to my room. I had barely gotten any sleep last night and I was fucking tired.

Opening the door, I jumped on my bed and let myself be engulfed by the warm softness of the bed that I had grown to love over the past month. I kicked my shoes off and crawled up so that my head was on the pillow and almost instantly fell asleep.

"Alex..." It was Jack again.

"Jack. How am I doing?"

The smile on his face was answer enough for me but still he said, "You're doing amazing. If you can't tell, I have already started changing for the best. I'm starting to fall for you, Alex. And, in all honesty, that's what I need. I'm lonely. Aside from the business shutting down- which thanks to you is done with- I was always so grumpy because I was lonely. No one would love me and being lonely doesn't feel good. I'm sure you can relate."

I nodded. He was damn right that I could relate. "Being rich, of course I had friends but I never knew if they wanted to be my friend for me or my money. Eventually, I started just started shutting people out. I was tried of being hurt and let down and used."

Jack nodded taking in all of my words. "Well all that is about to get better, Alex. Thank you."

"It's worth it. I never expected to fall for you like I am."

Jack scoffed. "Same."

I sat up straight in my bed and glanced at the clock. 7:45pm. I had slept for almost 9 hours. "Holy shit,"I muttered under my breath and stood up, stretching my arms behind my head and yawning. I almost gagged at the smell that came from my armpits so I decided that it would be best to go and take a shower before I started worrying about what I was going to eat.

Pulling out a black Simple Plan shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans and some boxers from my bag, I walked into the bathroom. I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror and grimmanced. My hair was tangled and greasy and I had stubble growing on my face. There were dark circles around my eyes and... HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT THAT FUCKING ZIT.

Groaning, I stepped under the spray of the warm water and instantly felt my tense muscles relax. I stood there and let the water run down my back before I stepped farther under and let it drench my hair. I poured some of the shitty smelling hotel shampoo in my palm and started rubbing it in my golden brown hair, making a mental note to stop by CVS and pick up some better shampoo and soap. Rinsing the suds out, I closed my eyes as the water massaged my scalp. I must have opened my eyes too early though... 

"SHIT! OH MY FUCK! IT BURNS!!!! OH SWEET MOTHER OF GOD AND ALL THINGS GOOD ON THIS PLANET IT BURNS! JESUS CHRIST I'M GONNA DIE!"I screamed and rubbed viciously at my eyes that had now become infested with that fucking soap that was running down my head.

"Fuck it,"I muttered and turned the water off once I had the shampoo out of my eyes. I climbed out of the tub and wrapped one towl around my hips and another around my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror again and squirted some shaving creme in my hand before rubbing it all over my face and then shaving off the stubble. I was already starting to look better... now for that fucking zit.

I went to work trying to pop the intruder that had thought it would be a good idea to make its home on my forehead, letting out a couple of yelps of pain in the process. Finally, after a good five minutes of squeezing and pulling, it erupted with a quiet pop. 

I rubbed at the red spot on my forehead and dried the rest of my body off. I went on to dry and straighten my hair and then pulled on the clothes that I had brought to the bathroom with me. When I was dressed, I walked back into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, pulling my phone off the charger and texting Rian.

I Don't Wanna Dream Anymore (JALEX) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now