Chapter 31 - Who do I trust

Start from the beginning

He told me he hated that woman, he said so repeatedly to himself under his breath during the ride to the airport, and I had to believe that. If that was his words coming from him, I should believe he meant them. He wouldn't say so otherwise and those are very strong words. I know Justin had his aggressive ways but I don't think he would truly use the word hate unless he meant it.

All I had to do now was to make myself believe in it.

"I know you're confused," Justin said with a much softer tone than I expected. I turned my head to look at him, seeing his eyes searching desperately for mine, "I am too. I wish I could answer your questions but honestly, I don't know what's going on-"

"It's okay," I said, reaching out my hand to touch his to show my emotional support, "You need to get your questions answered first, put that as your priority."

He nodded, taking my words to heart. I knew I would probably regret wanting him to put himself and his first family as a priority, the scary thoughts of me and my baby being left by our own was there and they were haunting me to the last little piece. It wasn't morally right for me to be selfish in this situation but I couldn't help but let the thoughts enter my mind, taking up most of the space and creating a worried feeling throughout my entire body.

I was terrified of meeting his ex, knowing that she might be a completely changed person. If he had the slightest interest in her, I would be screwed and left as a single parent. The thoughts of why I didn't choose abortion in the first place suddenly appeared and I cursed myself for listening to Justin, knowing that his opinion usually was the correct one. He always got his way and when he didn't need anything anymore, he got rid of it.

Just like I was scared he would get rid of me.

I tried to push the thoughts out of my head once more, the reality not at all being similar to the situation I put up in my head. Justin loved me, he's told me so on multiple occasions and I knew he's talked about how much he hates that other woman. I could make sure he continued to do it. In one sense, I was excited to meet his son but I was scared of coming face to face with her. I should trust him in this, he would figure everything out and I would be part of helping him.

When we had landed, driven for a while and shared a silent car trip with each other, Justin finally parked outside a quite large house. It was painted black and had a couple of huge glass walls on the side of it, displaying their interior from the outside. It looked fresh and expensive. It intimidated me knowing that she lived in a beautiful place like this, Justin was probably drooling over the home. 

I never asked him how he knew that this was where she lived but I assumed she's been staying here for a while. It crossed my mind that he might have been here before and I was hoping that no memories were flowing through his mind.

I was standing a little behind him, horrified of what the outcome of this incident was going to be. She didn't know I was coming, at least I don't think so, and I couldn't help but wonder what her intentions of calling in the first place were. She had been keeping Noah a secret for two years, why did she suddenly stop now?

My thoughts were interrupted when a woman opened the door, her skin tanned with blue eyes and dark hair. She reminded me of Megan Fox but with an ever tinier nose which immediately caused me to feel a stress, she was gorgeous. There was not a chance Justin didn't notice her beauty and I waited for him to compliment her, tell her that she looked great since the last time they saw each other but he never did.

Instead, he clenched his jaw at the sight of her and stepped inside the home without being asked too. The woman immediately moved, letting us inside and closed the door behind us. It looked like she waited for us to take our jackets off to go inside but Justin stayed in place inside her hallway.

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