Chapter 16

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I wake up at 9 and eat breakfast. Harry is going to be here at 11 to get me. I go upstairs and pick out a yellow romper with a flower pattern on it. I do my makeup and straighten my hair. By the time I'm done it is 10:45. I grab an over the shoulder purse and put my phone in it. I go downstairs and wait. Julie comes down and asks, "Where are you going?" "Apartment searching with Harry." I answer and she replies, "Cool have fun." she says before she goes back upstairs. I hear a knock on the door and I go answer it. "Hi" He says and I say, "Hey. Are you ready?" "Yep let's go." He answers. We get into his car and drive to the first apartment building. The outside looks really nice and it's close to the beach. The realtor gives us the tour. I honestly love this place and it's in our price range. The realtor gives us a minute to talk. "I love it. What do you think?" I ask Harry and he says, "I really like it. It also fits our price range." "I was thinking the same thing." I say. We find the realtor and tell him we want this place. He says we can start moving in next week. I am so excited. We go to lunch and then he takes me back to Julie's. "How did it go?" She asks and I answer, "We found a place that has an awesome view of the ocean. It is just the right size and it fits our price range." "I'm so happy for you." She says and I reply, "Thanks."


I just got back to LA after going back to New York it is currently September 15. Harry and I just got done setting up our new apartment. My stuff got here a couple days ago. I love the way it looks. I feel so at home, but Harry makes me feel at home. "A house is a building, home is a feeling. You give me that feeling." I say to him and he says, "You give me that feeling too." It is 8 p.m. and we go to our room. We lay on the bed and watch tv for a while. I end up falling asleep at around 10:30.

I wake up and feel Harry's arms around me. I turn to face him, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I get to wake up to this everyday and I'm so happy. A year ago I would've never imagined being in this moment. Heck a year ago I would've never thought I would have a boyfriend. I decide to just lay here for a while until Harry wakes up. I hear him say, "Good morning." "Good morning." I say back and kiss him on the cheek. "Is that really all I get?" He says in a sad tone. "Maybe you'll have to wait." I say purposely teasing him. I walk into the kitchen and eat pop tarts. He soon comes out to the kitchen and eats breakfast himself. Tonight we have a double date with Julie and Zayn. It is almost 11 and I have no idea what we are doing today other than our double date at 6.


It is now 4:30 and I start to get ready. I start by showering, then I pick out a outfit. I am wearing a black pencil skirt and a sheer blue shirt with a lace bralet under it. I do my makeup and curl my hair. It is 5:30 and I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Harry to be ready. We need to leave in 15 minutes. Harry runs down the stairs. He is wearing dress pants and a blue button up, leaving the first couple buttons undone. "Ready to go?" He asks and I stand up and say, "Yep." We walk out to the car and go to dinner. We get there and we get out of the car. Harry grabs my hand as we walk into the restaurant. I spot Julie and Zayn immediately. They are so cute together and I'm glad that they are both happy. "Hey guys." Julie says as we walk over to the table. "Hi, how are you?" I say and Julie says, "I'm good how about you?" "I'm good." I answer and we get our drinks and order our food. Julie, Zayn and Harry talk about school and we make other small talk. Harry puts his hand on my thigh and starts moving it up. I take a drink of water and try to calm myself down. He removes his hand and takes a sip of his own drink. We pay and leave. When we get home I take off my heels and go change. I put on just a t-shirt. Harry changes as well and then we sit on the couch and watch tv. We go to bed around 10.


I wake up around 9 and Sophia is still sleeping. I'm so glad that I get to wake up to her every morning. She makes me so happy. I have classes later today and I honestly enjoy it. I'm going to an arts school and I love it. I decide to get up and make pancakes for us. I go downstairs and start cooking. I hear footsteps and I know Sophia is up. I turn around and say, "Good morning." "Good morning" She says before getting on her tiptoes to kiss me. "Luckily I heard you this time so you didn't scare me again." I say jokingly. "Yeah I'm still waiting for you to get me back for that." She says and I reply, "Oh don't worry I will." "So I've been thinking. I think I want to go to school and become a music teacher." She says and I say, "That sounds awesome." "Yea I got accepted to a college here before I moved and I wonder if they will still take me." She adds and I say, "They'd be crazy not to."  

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