Chapter 7

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At first no one is quite sure what they're supposed to be looking at. Until the image zooms out and they see a man with a red hood talking to another boy, slightly younger, who is donned in what looks like the Robin uniform. Only different of course, primarily red. And there seems to be red wings attached.

They're in the Batcave.

No one can understand what is being said until another new face appears.

This one is much younger and is wearing the closest uniform to an original Robin. Except for an addition: a hood.

And he looks absolutely livid.

Casually, Alfred leans over to Bruce.

"Sir, just how many boys are you planning on taking under your wing? I would like to know in advance."

YJ Robin chuckles and Tessa snickers while Batman just shakes his head with a ghost of a grin.

The Titan Robin just scowls.

'Just how many replacements does he need!'

"Grayson said it would take three hours at the most... it's been four and a half! Why the hell isn't he back yet?!"

The oldest man peels back his hood and sighs.

"Calm down Little D--"

The youngest boy hisses.

"Don't call me that! Only Grayson can call me that!"

Both Robins, though hidden by their masks, raise an eyebrow.

The other man snickers while the oldest rolls his eyes.

"Fine. Dami he--"

"Not that either you peasant!"

Wally grunts "Someone's got a temper"

"FINE!!" snaps the man.

"Damian... he probably stopped at Titans Tower... right Tim?"

"Ah-ha!" exclaimed Beast Boy. "He stays with us!"

The second youngest, apparently "Tim", shrugged.

"Maybe. But... he could've gone to the Watch Tower..."

"What for?!" growled Damian. "I thought those imps didn't trust him anymore!"

All of the YJ members looked at each other and then at their own Dick (they pieced it together, they're not that stupid) who shrunk back, unknowingly closer to Bruce who put a comforting hand on his son's shoulder.

'What did I do that made them not trust me anymore?'

Dick looked over to his Titan self but saw him looking as confused as he felt.

'They couldn't still be talking about that failsafe simulation could they?'

Cyborg put a hand on his shoulder, making Robin jump out of his thoughts.

"Look man if they couldn't get over whatever you did then they don't know what team and loyalty mean!"

Raven was next.

"Yeah. We understood that you did what you had to do to save us and other lives. They should be able to do that too."

Their words made all of YJ, minus Robin of course, feel a strange feeling of guilt. It was strange because... what did they have to be guilty about?

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