Chapter 4

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Woo!! 2 chapters in 1 day!!

Ok... not the most I've ever done but its still good!!

Short but important A/N at the end.

P.s: Prepare for feels although I'm not sure how good it is...

"Oh my..."

The moment the scene was on Robin, Alfred came in. As he stood next to Bruce his old but wise eyes never left the projection. Those eyes were filled with sorrow.

And Batman... his fists were clenched at his sides and shaking. Even though he looked like Batman, he was only Bruce in this moment. And Bruce looked like he wanted to punch something. Hard.

Good thing Ren was sitting next to Tessa.

Tessa furrowed her eyebrows at her father and then her brother of this time.

This Robin was tense while the other one was slumped in... shame?

Tessa internally groaned.

Bruce never knew about this...

Could things get any worse?

Well funny thing about Bats and Etheranians...

Things can always get worse for them.

The video showed Robin performing flips in the air, quite similar to what the Flying Graysons did, and showed him miss M'gann's hands.

He started to fall. Just like his parents did.

Tessa could see it in the video Robin's eyes. He was terrified and he was having flashbacks of his parents' deaths. He thought he was going to end up like them.

"Don't blow our cover!"

"But saving your life's okay?"

Tessa breathed out again. She has a newfound respect for her surrogate uncle's clone.

Tessa raised her hand up slightly and cut the air with her palm and the video stopped. Right as all the 'Daring Dangers' were posing together after their act.

Both of the Robins got up and walked to opposite sides of the Batcave.

Oh geez...

Ren got up and was glaring at the orb.

And the orb's image glitched and reversed back to when Robin was about to fall. As if it was mocking Ren's challenging glare.

"Alright, that is enough!"

Ren got up and jumped up into the air and grabbed the orb. Landing, he roughly shoved the orb back into the bag and walked back over to the back wall. With an angry smirk he started violently swinging the bag back and forth as he walked.

Yes they're orbs but they have ethereal intelligence, ethereal life.

They can be cocky, rude, arrogant and, as Ren will soon learn, very sassy.

Both teams looked around at their own teammates. Then at the opposite team.

Tessa looked over to Robin (YJ) and saw that Bruce was talking to him.

This could either go really good or really bad.

It was the former. Bruce took his son into his arms and gave him a tight hug. A hug he clearly desperately needed as his body shook with silent sobs.

Tessa sighed.

As much as she wanted to go to the Robin of Young Justice she headed toward the Titan Robin.

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