Chapter 3

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*happy yet crazy laugh*

The orb was still in the air for a moment before an image was shown in the air.

It was a picture the Young Justice team had posed for not long ago.

Everyone was in civvies.

Superboy had an arm around a smiling M'gann's waist and M'gann's arm was linked with what seemed to be a laughing Artemis.

In the middle was Kaldur who had his arms crossed and a small smile on his lips.

Wally and Dick were on the other side of him. The best friends had an arm slung around the other's shoulder. Robin had the "bunny ears" fingers over the young speedster's head. Both had huge smiles on their faces.

Everyone, even Connor, was genuinely happy. Especially Robin.

The Young Justice team was now currently laughing and remembering how hard it was to get that picture just right.

And then those exact memories were shown.

Connor just wouldn't give an actual smile until M'gann convinced him with a kiss on the cheek. After that he wouldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

And Wally, bless his energetic heart, wouldn't stay still for more than two freaking seconds at a time!

And Artemis would make up every excuse to not be in the picture. If she was honest she would have said she was nervous to get that close to them. But eventually she gave in when M'gann convinced her with puppy dog eyes. Not even the tough archer was immune to that.

And Kaldur was getting visibly annoyed at Robin who kept doing the "ninja thing" and cackling everytime the Atlantian would try to talk to him.

Even though it was the young bird's idea in the first place.

Even the Teen Titans were smiling. They thought this would be a happy memory for their leader. Until they turned to look at him.

His fists were clenched in his lap, the white lenses of his mask narrowed. A tight frown was tugging on his lips.

Not even when Starfire hug him did he relax. He only loosened his posture a bit.

Ren raised an eyebrow from where he was, leaning against the wall and inspecting the Teen Titans orb. But he raised his head just in time to see the older Robin's reaction. Then he looked over to Tessa who was standing in between the two teams yet behind them.

She seems to be having the same thought as the Titans as her eyebrows were furrowed.

What could have possibly have gone so wrong that the older Robin refuses to acknowledge the past? Or at least be happy with it...

She looks from one Robin to the other.

Happy. Jerky. Happy. Jerky. Happy.... and really jerky.

She turns away and heads toward Ren. He has a... surprised look on his face.

Looking over his shoulder she sees Raven... with red markings on her.

They knew what it was. But they didn't know her.

Then they saw what will happen. And their eyes widened like an atomic bomb went off inside their eyes.

Both heads snapped up to look at Raven, Tessa's eyes glowing violet and Ren's glowing black, both trying to see what was inside her soul.

But for the first time, something that shouldn't be possible, they couldn't.

Yes, she had a soul, she is still half human. But she was so tucked into herself, so distant, that they couldn't reach her.

But just because they can't see a soul doesn't mean they can't be a good judge of character.

Both pair of eyes returned to normal and Ren returned his attention to the orb, letting out a slight huff in irritation.

However Tessa remained staring at Raven for a moment before her eyes returned to the images being shown. Though now it was a video. A video of random training sessions.

"She's not bad Ren..."

For now, oddly enough, nothing seemed to important.

"I know that Tessa...but..."

Tessa looked down at her best friend and observed his, quite frankly rare, serious face.

He raised his head to look at her, a mature look in his eyes now. Fitting for their age.

"But she's in danger. Look."

The Titans orb was now showing what was to happen. But before the final outcome was known, Ren put it away.

"And that's why we review things before we let kids see them."

It was only a mutter but she heard him. It was dry humor because in all honesty, Ren wasn't feeling too humorous at the moment.

Tessa but a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on. Lets watch with them."

Ren got up and glared at the bag before swinging it over his shoulder and following her.

Tessa sat near to her... current brother and Ren sat by her side, the one close to the Titans.

On the outside Tessa seemed calm but on the inside she was trying to stay calm.

But then an actual meaningful video came up.

The bigtop of a circus tent. But it wasn't where she met Dick. Besides this was supposed to be about the whole team.

She felt Robin tense beside her and started to get a feeling for what was going on.

Then the next scene showed a very familiar but older looking man.

And then a young black haired boy standing atop a trapeze platform with a red and white mask and costume.

Tessa's eyes narrowed.

He didn't--

"Ladies and gentlemen! The Daring Dangers!"

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