Chapter 5 - Charm

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AUTHOR'S NOTE;  Please remember no messages = no chapters.

WARNING: This chapter contains remnants of bullying and mental illness. Proceed with caution.

^-^ Thanks again to everyone who's been sending me messages about the fic. Remember messages = chapters. No requests / messages means no chapters. 

It didn't take long to gather up all the medications that had fallen into the dirt and around my tent floor, but the stinging of irritation that clouded my brainstem remained. How did she even get in my tent without my knowledge? How did she know where to look for these? I laughed at myself, a strange and loud emotional laugh.

This situation wasn't funny and there was nothing humorous about today's turn of events, but the idea of me sitting here in my own self-loathing trying to piece together the thoughts of a heinous tormentor was laughable

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This situation wasn't funny and there was nothing humorous about today's turn of events, but the idea of me sitting here in my own self-loathing trying to piece together the thoughts of a heinous tormentor was laughable. I could never understand her actions because I, myself did not come from the same world that she did. People like Angela were among the rich and powerful, the highly adored and envied, pretty rich girls like her didn't glide to the top in elegance they climbed their way up in heels, no matter who they had to tread on to do it.

"You really are nuts, aren't you?" She questioned while narrowing her eyes at me. I had half a mind to say something back, but I felt as though there was no use. What was the point? At the end of the day people like her get exactly what they want, and people like me get the bottom of the barrel. I guess it was about time I learned my place then.

"Get out." I breathed, finally standing to my feet and closing the bottle of pills. I didn't bother to look at her because she wasn't worth it. She had succeeded in tormenting me and making me feel as though I was the lowest of the low so why continue to grace me with her presence? A scoff emerged from her lips as she turned her back on me, and the swift glide from the center of my tent to the outside of it was graceful. I had never found myself so happy to be alone in my entire life but the disturbing truth of my despair began to kick in and I wasn't prepared for it.

What if she did end up telling everyone that I took medication? What if everyone thought I was psycho just because I'm slightly depressed with anxiety issues? What if Jake found out? What if Jared....UGH what did it matter if Jared found out or not. He was just like her, wasn't he? Ruthless, gruesome, and obsessed with his stupid rules only to end up being the one who broke them in the first place. A sigh rippled through me and the seeping feeling of depression clung to the outer parts of my frame with a vengeance. What was I going to do now? My best bet was to keep quiet because would it really be so bad for Jared to think it was her who saved him? They belonged together.

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