Chapter 2~ Why Am I So Nervous?

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~Chapter 2~

I slipped my jacket on and ran outside. I got into my car and began driving to the studio where Dave auditioned. I didn't tell Krist to meet us there because I was going to pick Dave up take him to my house to practice.

I felt nervous as I got closer to the studio. Why am I feeling like this? I don't even know Dave but yet I think I'm in love. He was just so cute. That laugh was adorable and that smile. Oh my lord that smile was beautiful. His eyes were nice too. And his hair was kinda long. I sighed. I know Dave won't feel the same, he'll probably think I'm weird if I tell him I like him. He'll probably leave Nirvana and I'll never hear from him again. I can't let that happen so I can't tell him. I'll try not to stare at him or flirt but no promises.

I pulled into a parking place and walked inside. There sat Dave waiting for me. I motioned for him to come over to me when he noticed me. He smiled and ran over to me. "What's up?" he asked

"Nothing. I came to pick you up, we're gonna practice at my house." I said

Dave nodded. "Okay."

We walked back into the parking lot and got into my car. I felt myself getting nervous when Dave got in the car, my hands were getting sweaty and my stomach was feeling weird.

"You okay?" Dave asked. I guess he realized I was feeling weird.

I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."

Dave smiled. "Alrighty."

I started driving back to my house. The whole way there I barely talked to Dave and when I did I would stutter and wouldn't stop smiling. I felt so embarrassed and stupid, Dave probably noticed and now he probably thinks I like him. Well I do like him but he probably thinks I'm retarded. I peeked over at him from time to time and smiled. Gosh I'm so stupid!

I pulled into my driveway and parked my car. I opened my door and got out. Dave shut his door and followed me into the house.

"I have a studio in here that's where we practice" I told him

He smiled, "That's awesome. Your awesome."

I felt myself blush. I smiled at him. "Thanks. You seem awesome too."

He looked over at me. This was actually the first time he really looked at me. I noticed he looked into my eyes.

"I like your eyes" he smiled

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks go red again. "I li-like yours t-too" I stuttered

He smiled and I think he even blushed a little.

"Oh shit!" Dave screamed

"What? What happened?"

He pointed to Krist who was sitting in the studio laughing.

"He scared me" Dave said almost breathless.

I chuckled. "Are you alright?"

He nodded and took in a deep breath then slowly let it out.

Krist was laughing so hard he was crying. I started chuckling a little but Dave was still catching his breath. I felt a little sorry for him. I shakily patted his back.

Dave sat down at his drums. Krist picked up his bass and I sat at a stool that was in front of my mic.


"That was great!" I said as we finished our last song

"Thanks." Dave smiled at me.

Krist grinned at me and smirked at Dave. Dave looked at him with a confused face but playfully shook his head at him.

I put my guitar back into it's case. Dave poked my back, I looked up at him.

"Uhh can I talk to you?" he asked

I nodded. "Yeah hang on a second"

Oh my gosh. What if he asks me out? What if he says he likes me?

I shut my case and stood up. Dave grabbed my hand and pulled my outside away from Krist. I was getting so nervous.

When we got outside he looked into my eyes. "Kurt..."

I smiled, "Yes? What is it?"

"Are you sure I'm the right drummer for your band?"

I felt kinda disappointed. I was hoping he would've told me he liked me or something, but no. He didn't. I guess he doesn't like me.

I nodded and looked down. "Yes I do. Your a great drummer."

He smiled but the smile faded when he looked at me and noticed my head was down.

"What's wrong?" he asked

I shook my head. "Nothing" I began walking back inside.

"Kurt?" Dave stopped me


"Are you and Krist... dating?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not dating anyone."

Dave grinned, "Okay. Good. Are we practicing tomorrow?"

I shook my head. "No not tomorrow but the next day."

Dave nodded. "Alright. I'll see you later then."

He playfully pushed me and then he began walking home.

"Do you need a ride home?" I yelled to him

He waved goodbye. "No."

I walked back inside to Krist. He was playing with Dave's drum sticks. "Look what your boyfriend left" he grinned

"He's not my boyfriend!" I blushed

Krist smiled. "What did he want? Does he like you?"

I shook my head. "It was nothing and no he doesn't like me, just as a friend."

Krist frowned. "Well maybe he likes you but he's afraid to tell you."

I looked down. "I doubt it. Why would he like me anyway?"

"Because your beautiful" Krist said

I shook my head. "No I'm not."

Krist chuckled a little. "Yeah you are. Plus Dave was staring at you the whole time during practice." He grinned

I looked up. "Really?"

He nodded. "He likes the way you play that guitar" Krist smirked and winked

I playfully pushed him. "Stop it!" I chuckled and blushed

He grinned at me. "Okay okay. He'll probably be here tomorrow to get his drum sticks. Maybe then he'll tell you he likes you."

I smiled, "I hope so."

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