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Sobs echoed through the abandoned corridor, which I found quite odd since I was supposed to be the only student allowed to roam during this class period.

"Hello?" I called.

"Go away," someone said, sniffling between their words.

"Hey, what's wrong?"  I asked. I continued forward until the source of the sobbing was just a few feet in front of me.

"I lost my necklace!" they wailed.

I gasped. "How?"

"I don't know! One minute I had it and the next it was gone!"

"I'm so sorry. I'd offer to help you look for it, but..."

"Oh. No, you don't have to help. I just—" The person cut themself off with a gasp. " have...your necklace is..."

I frowned. "Not to be rude, but would you please finish your sentences? I'm confused."

"Your pendant is just like mine."

"I guess we must have very similar soulmates, then," I remarked.

"No, I mean, it would fit into mine perfectly. God, I wish I could find it..." They sniffled and dissolved into sobs once more.

"Maybe try retracing your steps," I suggested. "Where were you the last time you know that you know that you had it?"

"Erm, the courtyard? I was playing with it, I can never stop fidgeting with jewellery."

"Okay, so that's where we'll start," I said. I held out my hand in their general direction and waited for them to take it before hoisting them up. On our way to the other end of the building, we made small talk. We introduced ourselves. Their name was Riley and they would be in art class if they hadn't lost their necklace.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" they said.

"Can I ask you one?" I countered.

"How long have you been blind?" they asked.

"Born this way," I answered. "Are you a boy or a girl?"

"Depends on the day," they replied.

"What pronouns do you prefer?"

"Usually they/them, it makes things much simpler."

"Oh," I say. We kept walking in silence until my cane bumped into something I assumed to be a door. My suspicions were confirmed when I felt around for a handle and found one before pushing it open. I stepped into the warm sunlight and smiled. "Okay, start looking around," I instructed.

"What if I don't find it?" they asked.

"We'll find it eventually. We just have to start somewhere right?"

"Y-yeah," they decided. "You're right."

"Thank you."

There was a long moment of quiet while Riley looked for their necklace in which I basked in the sunlight on a bench and listened to the birds. "Any luck?" I called after a few minutes.

"No, not yet. It is a big courtyard, though."

"That's true. Let me know if you find anyth—"

"Oh my God!" Riley cut me off.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"I found it!" they exclaimed. "Thank God!"

"Well, I guess you don't need me anymore," I said.

"Nonsense. You're my new best friend. Without you, I might never have found it."

I smiled. "Oh. Well, thank you."

"No, thank you," they said. I suddenly found myself engulfed in a hug. When they pulled away, however, I felt a tug. My fingers wandered down the metal chain around my neck and I prepared myself to untangle our chains, but it wasn't the chains at all. Our pendants were linked together, fitting into each other like puzzle pieces.

"Guess we're soulmates," I said awkwardly.

"D'aww, how cute," a voice interrupted. I recognised the person as the assistant principal.

"Hello, Mrs Clancy," I greeted.

"Nice to see two young people find their soulmates. I'll leave you to it—though I expect you both to be back in class next period."

"Yes, ma'am," Riley and I both said.

I listened to Mrs Clancy's heels clicking as she walked away up the pavement to the school so I could make sure we were alone before saying, "I wish I could see you."

"You'll have plenty of chances to become familiar with me over time," Riley replied.

"Whoa, at least buy me dinner first," I said. Riley began to stammer and I laughed. "Hey, I'm just joking," I assure them. "But really, let's go out sometime soon."

"I'd love to," they said, a smile evident in their voice.

(A/N): Sorry for the crappy chapter, I've just felt really unmotivated with these oneshots. If any of you lovelies have any prompts or requests, I'd love to hear your suggestions and feedback! Just post a comment and I'll get right on it. I love you all, my lovely lovelies!

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