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Hey guys! I am republishing this as a Soulmate AU oneshots book. Mostly because I had no idea what to do with the original story.... 😞 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

When I was an infant, I got marker all over my chest and stomach. It appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and wouldn't come off for almost half an hour.

When I was two, I got face paint all over my face, in the design of a tiger. It disappeared during dinner, while I was refusing to let my father feed me my peas.

When I was four, I got marker all over my legs, that inexplicably came off as fast as it appeared.

When I was six, I was sitting quietly in my Sunday school class when I felt warm liquid trickling from my knee. I looked down and saw a red stain spreading across the spotless white fabric of my dress. The scrape took almost a week to heal.

When I was eight, I came home from school to be yelled at by my mother, who had not given her consent for me to get dragon-themed temporary tattoos all over my arms and face.

When I was ten, I got nicks and cuts on my hands all the time. They never lasted long, but I never knew how I kept getting them when I avoided any activities that could've resulted in any sort of cut.

When I was twelve, my grade learned about soulmates in school. How every time you wrote on your skin, or got hurt, the same marks would appear on your soulmate's skin. That's when all the dots connected.

When I was fourteen, I spent all my time making sure to take extra good care of my body, to ensure my soulmate wouldn't have to deal with any unwanted marks on their skin. Even if they didn't return the favour.

When I was sixteen, I received a bruise that spread from my underarm to the middle of my thigh. I didn't mind so much, except that it meant my soulmate might have broken a rib.

Now I am eighteen, and every day I seek out someone who shares my scars, or my freckles, or even the reminders I leave myself in pen on my palms. And every day I have no luck.

But every night, before I go to bed, I get a message on the back of my left hand in permanent marker:


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