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0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes, 4 seconds.

Every second goes by so agonisingly slowly. But at the same time, the clock on my wrist is going too fast. It feels like hours between every silent click of my timer.

I look around nervously, hands fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. I had pinned my short caramel hair back out of my face and put on a gold chain necklace and gold bracelets. I had gone for my usual colour scheme: black, gold, and purple. I had picked out a flattering, fluorescent purple v-neck top that came down past the tops of my thighs, black leggings, and black flats. I had gold posts in my ears and shiny and sparkly gold bangles on my wrist. I wonder if I'll make a good impression.

I glance at my wrist and gasp.

0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 37 seconds.

While I was busy fretting over my clothes, I had missed almost seven minutes going by!

"This is it," I whisper to my friends. "I can feel it."

"What do you feel?" asks Joan.

"Like I have ADD times a thousand. I've got to get up and move."

"Then get up and move!" Thomas says.

"Okay." I get up out of my chair.

After wandering aimlessly (for longer than I thought! 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 48 seconds!), I decide I need to use the restroom. I turn a corner and charge into the nearest bathroom I can find. I go into the first stall and throw up. Nerves just got the best of me, I guess. When I come out of the stall, I run into someone and scream.

I am in the boys' bathroom.

The random guy I bumped into makes eye contact with me. I feel a buzz on my wrist. Looking down, I see my timer reads, 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds. Then it falls off my wrist and lands on the tile with a clatter. The boy's does the same.

I run back into the stall to vomit again.

"Hi, soulmate," he says when I'm finished flushing the remainder of my lunch down the toilet.

I try my best to hide the blush staining my cheeks and try not to cry. "If you would excuse me while I die from embarrassment, that would be great, thanks."

He frowns. "Aww, hey, it's okay, don't cry! Sometimes the universe really screws with people to make sure they meet their soulmate. I guarantee that if I discovered I was in the girls' bathroom I'd puke, too."

I attempt a smile. "Nice to meet you, soulmate. Even if I wish it had been under different circumstances."

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