35. fear

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I pack up my bag and chuck it out the window.

"Hey mom, I'm going out is that okay?" I ask nervously. I'm about to go and meet Finn.

"Yeah sure honey but be back my 8" she replies. Little does she know I'm not ever coming back.
Sadness washes over me when I see my little sister Ava. God what will she do without me?!

"Millie when you come back can we play dollies?!" She grins. Oh god. Don't cry, don't cry.

"Um sure" I lie. I give her a huge hug goodbye then quickly run into Carl's room.

"Oh hey Millie"

"Carl. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. I love you. And please don't snitch." A tear rolls down my face. I didn't realise it would be this hard.

"wait what?" He furrows his eye brows. I don't answer and run down stairs. I hug my mom and say goodbye. I rush outside and quick grab my bag.

Holy shit I'm really doing this.

Suddenly I burst out crying. I think about leaving my precious baby sister and all my memories with my mom. I think about turning back but I know this is the right thing.

I feel so many emotions but the main one is fear. Fear of everything. Fear of what my life will now become.

Once I get to set I don't see finn. Oh crap! Why is Caleb, Gaten, Noah and Sadie here?!

"Millie!" Noah says and runs to hug me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask harshly.

"Where here to say goodbye..." Gaten says sadly.

"Finn told us about your plan. Did you really think you'd leave without a goodbye!?" Says Noah.

"Wait so your not gunna snitch?" My eyes widen.

"Of course not! But we will always keep in touch" says caleb.

I see Finn arrive and I instantly jump into his arms. As soon as our bodies connect, I never want to let go. We stay like that for a moment before breaking apart.

"God I've missed you" I frown. He strokes my face softly.

"I missed you more"

Our hands lock together as we walk to the others. Finns eyes are red and puffy just like mine. He's probably cried too.

"We are gonna miss you so much" Sadie says. I run and hug her tightly. Everyone looks at us weirdly and Sadie even has a confused face. I roll my eyes and go back to finn.

"Okay, the plan is to catch the Georgia underground train with these tickets" finn says pulling out two train passes.

"Then the train takes us just to the outskirts of turkey. From there we go to the national turkey air port and go where ever we want" Finn explains.

"Okay great" I smile weakly. We all hug our friends then they leave me and Finn by our selves.

"You sure we wanna do this?" Finn cups my cheeks.

"I'm sure" I reply shakily. "But not gunna lie, I'm fucking terrified"

He chuckles a little. "Don't worry my baby, your with me" Finn leans in slightly and kisses my chapped lips roughly. God I love him so much.

"I love you so much finn" I say with tears flooding out of me.

"I love you too" a tear falls down his cheek too. This is the second time I've ever seen him cry.

"It was hard saying goodbye to family" I blurt out.

"Yeah.. same" he kisses my nose. "We should probably get going"

"wait have you got money" I ask looking at the rucksack on his back.

"Yeah, 2,000 dollars in cash" he replies.

"Woah where'd you get that much?" My jaw drops.

"my real dad (well your step dad) sends me money every month. I've been saving it up"

"Oh okay cool. I have 900 bucks, I stole it from my moms purse and Carl's piggy bank" I smile and earn a chuckle from finn.

Once we arrive at the train station I grab on to Finns arm as it's really busy. I always get scared going into underground stations because I get the feeling like something bad will happen any second.

"Listen whatever happens, just let me do the talking" Finn says.

"Got it"

We hand the tickets to a tall man.

"You kids travelling alone?" he asks.

"No, our mom and dad are up there somewhere. It's all good" Finn replies confidently. My heart starts to race.

"Hmm, are you brother and sister?" He asks again.

"yes" "no" - me and Finn say at the same time then look at eachother in horror.

"listen here kids. Stay here while I get someone for you two.." he walks away quickly.

"holy shit Millie! I told you I'd do the talking!" Finn smacks his forehead.

"I'm sorry! I freaked out"

"look it's fine but from now on we are brother and sister" finn states.

"Well we are anyways" I mumble sadly.

"Millie..." Finn sighs. Suddenly a light bulb lights up in my head.
I grab Finns hand and make a run for it.

"woah Millie!" He laughs. We run through the crowds of people until we can't breath.

"Oh.... my....god!" I say out of breath. "We just ran away from a freaking security guard!" We laugh together.

"Millie you are badass" Finn states.

"Alright lets go."

Just as we were about to get onto the train, two horrific loud bangs shot through the station.

Every body fell silent...


ahhh cliff hanger!

I'm not crying, you are.

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