Chapter 11- Hurt

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Chapter 11- Hurt


Anabelle’s P.O.V.

“I’m sorry to say this but… Mr. Meyer needs to undergo surgery immediately and it will cost a million dollars or more,” the doctor announced emotionless.

I grimaced as I heard the amount we had to pay. We weren’t poor but we weren’t that wealthy either. You can’t just pick up a million dollars anywhere. Money comes from hard work and nowhere else.

“It doesn’t matter how much the surgery costs! I just want my husband to be okay!” Aunt Jenna snarled.

The doctor nodded his head as he brought Dad to the operating room. I looked at my mom and saw that she was looking at the wall as if it told her the biggest secrets everyone kept. I slowly walked up to her with Nate trailing right behind me.

“Mom,” I called as I poked her shoulder.

As I saw her face, I saw tears going on endlessly from her eyes. I immediately hugged her tightly.

“I… I know that Devin and I are no longer together, but hearing Jenna call Devin her husband… I… I can’t help but feel my heart break over and over again,” Mom cried into my shoulder.

And at this moment did it dawn on me that our family really is impossible to mend. Dad and Mom may end up being on good terms, but nothing would ever be the same again.

“Anabelle, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second,” Aunt Jenna called from the other side of the hall.

I slowly let go of my mom as Nate took my place and held her.

“Ana, I know that you aren’t so fond of the idea of your dad remarrying, but I’d like to ask for a chance. A chance for me to prove myself to you and that I’d be capable of loving your dad and taking care of him,” Aunt Jenna explained once I reached her.

Was she worried about this now! Isn’t she worried for my dad! Despite the fury I felt in my veins, I smiled at her reassuringly. See? Here’s my goody-goody side again.

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” a nurse tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned around with a small smile and asked what she might need. She told me that all four of us could sit in the waiting room. We followed her suggestion and waited for my dad’s surgery to come to an end.

I rested my head on Nate’s shoulder as an hour had already passed.

I looked at him through my lashes and said, “Thanks, Nate. It really means a lot that you haven’t left.”

He shot me a sincere smile and kissed my forehead while mumbling, “Anything for you, Anabelle.”

I blushed a little as he started to hum a tune. My ears slowly drowned out other sounds as I fell into a state of slumber.

I was awoken with Mom and Aunt Jenna sobbing into each other’s embrace. Nate suddenly gripped my shoulder tightly as he noticed that I was awake.

I looked up at him, panic rising up in my chest.

“What happened?” I cried as I clutched his shirt in my hands.

“Your dad’s slipped into a coma,” he whispered sadly.

I shook my head. He’s okay. He will be. Positive thoughts only, Anabelle. Positive thoughts. However, the continuous chanting of ‘positive thoughts’ in my mind did not change the actual situation; especially when a doctor comes running the operating room my dad is in, at full speed.

 A/N: Hi, everyone! I decided to update for you guys! And I have decided already for how long this story would last! Alone would have at least 20 chapters and 30 at maximum. 

I am warning everyone who is reading this story. Updates would be slow again once July begins as my classes would have started already, so please bear with me and the updates. I promise that I'd finish this story, but just give me time. 

Thank you for all of those who voted, commented, and added this story to their reading lists. You don't know how happy it made me. I really appreciate it! I love you all! God bless! :D xx

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