Chapter 2- Bits and Pieces

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Chapter 2- Bits and Pieces

            While going down the stairs, there came a knock on the door. Much to my dislike, I quickened my pace and checked who was by the door. It was a delivery guy.

“Good noon! Here is a package for Ms. Tania Samsons.” He said, handing me a box. “Please sign here and add your relationship to Ms. Samsons.”

I quickly signed and the delivery man left right away.

I think that he’s one of the very few people who enjoy their job. Leaving the package on top of the telly, I returned to my food. I hate it when I’m interrupted when eating, it’s just like saying, “I’m more important than food, without me, food is nothing.” Get my point? No? Then sorry, I don’t know how to explain. Okay… I’m really a weird kid! Talking to myself! Soliloquy!

After less than five minutes, I had already finished my food. I washed my plate and cleaned up whatever had to be cleaned. I suddenly remembered that we had a project to submit on Monday. I face palmed. I thought that this was a “free” weekend…

I trudged up the stairs and went in my room. I got my laptop, book, pens and phone then brought it to the living room.

Our house had two living rooms, one upstairs, and another downstairs. If I may say it myself, we, are somehow… rich. We have no helpers though and I never even had a babysitter before.

My parents loved taking care of me that they actually would not go to work just for me, but that was then. Our life is so much different now.

Eh, let’s not get into the sad story of my life and I better start working on my project!

Our project was to write a summary of a possible life story. This project is easy! How could I just notice it now! I grunted. At least I’ll be able to finish this after about an hour or so. I wonder what I should write about? Hmm… I propped my elbows up the table and placed my face in the middle of my hands, or to make it simpler, I was in a thinking position.

A few minutes has already passed but I haven’t thought of the right topic.

“Aha!” I yelped. “I know what to write about already!” I exclaimed in glee. I grabbed my paper and started to write, and in less than thirty minutes, I was already finished. Editing was easy since there were only a couple of mistakes here and there. After editing, I typed it in my laptop, then printed it and placed it in a folder.

            Once finished, I sighed happily. Finally! I am free to do what I want. I went back to my room and took a nap.

            When I woke up, I found nothing to do. “What to do? What to do?” I mumbled. I noticed my laptop sitting on my desk. I got my laptop and logged into my facebook and twitter account.

            As I opened it, there was nothing new. The hate, bullies, and rumors… I may be in the student council, theater, news dance and glee club, but that doesn’t mean that I am famous.

            Well, I noticed that I am famous. Into being bullied. I guess it’s because I’m such a geek. I’m taking advanced classes so I’m already in the ninth grade. I do not think that’s even a good reason for them to bully me! Well, I guess that this is just life for me and believe me, this is just bits and pieces of my life.

 A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I am jus quite busy because of school work and this chapter was finished since like a million years ago, but it was typed in my phone and I'm usuallly kinda lazy soooo... yeah... Hope you still read! God bless! :D

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