Chapter 1- My Mistake

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Chapter 1- My Mistake



“Just shut up! Anabelle might hear us fighting!” Mom whispered harshly at Dad. “So what if she hears us? It’s even better for her to hear us fighting so she would know that our family is tearing apart!” Dad screamed back in reply. I was taken aback when I heard that. I was peeking from my room. Cautiously but quickly, I shut the door to my room. I cannot believe it! Our family’s falling apart? That night, I was lulled to sleep by the tears that continuously fell from my eyes.

“Bang!” I groaned. I had another flashback, well, dream at the same time. I looked up and saw that I fell from my bed. Ugh! I’m such a clutz even when I’m asleep! Noticing that the sun was already high up, I checked the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was noon already! It’s a good thing that it is a Saturday, or else, I would’ve been very late. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Since I knew that Mom was always out during the weekdays and Saturdays, working, I didn’t bother going down to tell her that I was already up, instead, I just stepped into the shower and took a relaxing bath. After bathing for good twenty minutes, I did all the necessary routines in the comfort room and sloppily went down to eat my brunch. When I reached the kitchen, I saw that Mom had left a note on the fridge. It said,

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to cook lunch for you, but you could either cook or order anything you’d like to. I am just really running late. Love you sweetie!



            There was ten dollars on top of the fridge. I just left the ten dollars there and made myself a simple dish of pasta. As I was eating, my phone rang. I groaned and sighed, my phone was still upstairs in my bedroom! Being the lazy girl I am, I took two minutes in climbing up the stairs and getting my phone from my room. The moment I was able to take a hold of my phone, the ringing had already stopped.

            I checked my phone and saw that Brittney, the head cheerleader in our school, phoned me. What could be the reason this time? Sighing, I dialed her number. After three rings, she picked up her phone.

“What took you so long to pick up your phone?” Brittney asked in her high voice. I cringed just by her voice, it was just tad high!

“Sorry, I was just eating my lunch. Uh… So, why did you call me up?” I queried.

“Well, it’s just that I think, Jason, my boyfriend of a week, is cheating on me…” Brittney said, her voice trailing off at the last part. Ugh! Not another of her “love” problems! She has a different boyfriend almost every other week!

“You called me up for an advice, am I right?” I clarified.

“Well, yeah! I wouldn’t call you if I did not have a problem ‘bout Jason! Oh right… I have to be kind to since I’m asking an advice from you…” she exclaimed.

“Brittney,” I said with a sigh. “as I have told you many times before, you are only sixteen. At this age, love, is definitely not your priority. In the same way, if you think that Jason really loves you, you would know that he wouldn’t cheat on you.” I continued and ending with an exasperated sigh.

“But, how should I know that he loves me?” Brittney whined.

“You would know in the way that he treats you, but if you think that he doesn’t love you or treat you right, I think that it is just right to break up with him.” I hesitantly replied.

“Okay… Thanks!” she said, hanging up immediately.

            What is with user-friendly people! They really get into my nerves! I know that I am kind, but abusing my kindness? That is just too much! Although I know that I also have a mistake… I allow them to abuse my kindness.


A/N: Hopefully you guys liked this chapter! Tell me what you think about it! Spread the word about his book and I'll wait for five read before I update again! :) Thanks and God bless! :) xx 


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