Chapter Fifteen - The Wrath of an Old Friend

Start from the beginning

The portrait opened and the four of us clambered inside, glad to be out of the cold. I checked the time on the wall. It was only 7:30am. Most of the castle would still be asleep. We sat down on the couches in front of the fire. Ginny waved her wand and the pots and pans got to work making breakfast.

"So tell me, how could your father have found out about this so quickly?" I asked speaking up first.

"Pansy." Draco spat her name like venom. "She's the only one I can think of that would stoop that low. She's that bitter, she'd do that."

"But how?" I asked.

"She'll have her connections" he spat.

He put his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. "I need to use Legilimency again. I need to know what he's feeling."

"Draco don't do it. Not yet. If your father is that angry at me, what will he do when he finds you inside his head?" I said frightfully.

"Try to trap me probably." He answered.

"Maybe wait for him to calm down first?" Ginny suggested.

"I'll go to Malfoy Manor tonight. Speak with my mother. Then we'll make an appointment to see father." Draco said cooly.

"I'm coming." Blaise repeated stronger this time.

"Shower." Draco said standing up. "I'll be back as soon as possible. Keep your head clear and try not to let it stray. That's when you'll be most vulnerable." He said squeezing me in his arms and kissing my forehead.

"What if he tries the same thing on you?" I asked in a frightened whisper.

"Snape trained me in the art of Occlumency since before he trained Potter. I think he'll have a harder time getting inside my head. That's probably why he targeted you first." He said.

I stood up and walked with him towards the door. "I'll see you soon." I planted a kiss on his cheek and he smiled a rare smile.

"Laters baby." He smirked as he dipped out the portrait hole, Blaise on his heel.

I took a deep breath. "Go, shower, you need to get cleaned up. I'll take care of breakfast." Ginny said to me.

I gave her a quick hug and she gave me a worried smile.

I showered quickly washing my hair and scrubbing my body with my favorite body wash. I was determined to keep my mind closed but it was driving me mad not being able to think things through.

I dressed in some silky shorts and a cotton singlet and went downstairs to relieve Ginny so she could shower.

"I've got this, you go." I said to her, taking out my wand. She kissed my cheek and headed upstairs.

As I watched the bacon fry, I lost myself as I remembered the dream. Out of nowhere, Lucius Malfoy's face loomed into view again.

I will not rest until your filthy mudblood blood is strewn across this Earth and my son has paid dearly for his betrayal to me. To our FAMILY. How dare you hypnotize him into bedding FILTH!

'LEAVE HER ALONE' Draco loomed from the shadows like a wisp of smoke once again.

'Draco! Come to me now!' Lucius hissed.

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