Part 4 ~ Mates

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Aella POV

I woke up normally, no screaming or sweating actually peaceful. I wished I could have woken up like this every morning, it wasn't exhausting.

I hopped off the bed with extra energy and my thoughts went to tomorrow my 18th birthday, then they landed on Cassius. My wolf was calm and relaxed around him, and it was surprising as she was never really that relaxed around anyone.

I grabbed my clothes and strode out of the den, after I picked up my bag. I walked to school and didn't dread it nearly as much as usual.

I walked in with no problem and then grabbed my books from my locker, no one would meet my eye and I ignored them. My shoes made a light tapping sound, in the empty hallway, against the tiles. I entered my first lesson, Physics. Great, what fun.

School was better as there was no teasing, jeering or hitting. I ended the day with a smile on my face and happiness coursing through me, a newfound excitement and energy came alive in me.

I plugged my head phones in as I skipped down the path, towards work. A large German Shepard, greeted me at a fence and I cautiously let it sniff my hand. When she licked my hand I placed one hand on its head and gently patted it.

I set off after I patted it and soon I could see the café, nestled between 2 large stores. The smell of cakes and pastries wafted out of the shop and invited any stranger into its warm, welcoming abode.

I entered the café cheerfully, I stopped short when I noticed Cassius sitting at a table, drinking water and eating a hot doughnut.

He looked up as I entered and smiled, I smiled back. I could sense Luna purring a bit, and I shook my head in confusion.

I did the normal routine, serving and talking to the customers. The shift went well, no interruptions, and Cassius stayed my whole shift and got up and left with me as well.

I walked out the front door and he stayed a few paces behind me. The cold, ridged air blew around me and my hair whipped me in the face as we talked. Our conversation drifted from one topic to another: likes, dislikes, just random topics and after we talked for a while we separated. A grin sat on my face the whole way back to the forest.

The whole time I was thinking of him: his smile, his scent, how he talked, and walked. Damn I sound like a lovesick teenager.

I shook my head as I tried to clear my thoughts, but they fell back on Cassius. I ended up shifting in the forest and I went for a run, as I tried to clear my head. The fresh air and plants helped me to relax, as I sprinted through the forest. Trees were a blur as I weaved in and out of them, and animals scattered when I flew by them.

The next morning I woke up fresh and realise two things: I am 18, which hopefully means I will find my mate, and secondly it is Saturday. I grabbed my clothes, stripped and ran outside.

I shifted while I carried the my new clothes in my mouth, my paws hit the soft dirt beside the river as the mist surrounded me. I placed the clothes on the bank and dived in, the cool, crisp water cleaned my dirty coat and eased my tense muscles.

I swam around, splashing and playing and then I climbed out. I shifted back into my human form, grabbed my clothes and changed. I decided to walk to the cafe and see what Lola is doing.

Cassius POV

I woke up and got changed, today was my mate's birthday. I got the information from the guys at school.

I walked outside and decided to check her den, her smell seemed a lot stronger, I followed her scent to the cafe. I watched her talking to the cafe owner, Lola, I walked a bit closer in my wolf form and she stops and sniffs the air. She looked around eagerly, she excuses herself from Lola and walked outside.

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