Part 3 ~ The Cafe

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^ Cane Cassius' wolf ^ 

Cassius POV

I walked away from the clearing, my thoughts drifted towards Aella. My thoughts were consumed by her, like she was a mist that had captured me already and I had only known she was mine for 2 days. 

How she moved, her smell and everything about her. I didn't think she was 18 yet, she couldn't seem to tell that I was her mate. I would have to figure out when her birthday was.

She was so fierce and strong, beautiful but with a secret to hide. Her eyes so captivating and stunning.

I walked back into the pack house and the wolves submit to me, as they do this I remember how she stood her ground and growled, snarled and fought back at me. No one has done that.

I hurried up the stairs and into my room, I shifted and got changed. I sighed and laid down on my bed like a lost puppy.

All I could do was think of her, all I wanted to do was to have her beside me. I didn't need to claim her straight away, I would wait just as long as she didn't reject me.

She is perfect in so many ways, and I wondered why she was a rogue and without a pack when she is clearly a very good fighter. I fall asleep thinking of her.

When I woke the next morning, I thought about what I would do today and came to the decision that I was going to watch her today. To make sure she is okay, but only in wolf form and a good way away from her.

I get a bag ready, put some clothes in my bag and some food and other essentials. Cane reminded me to talk to my beta, I raced up to his office and informed him of what I was doing today. He nodded, the work has been slow lately and I would just do it at night.

I grabbed the bag and hurried down the stairs and saw the group hanging out in the kitchen, talking and eating as I walk in they all bowed to me.

I huffed angrily not wanting to look at Casey, but knowing I would be happy to teach her a lesson on hurting what is mine.

I walked out the door and shifted, going into the forest. I padded closer to the den, my ears listened to the surrounding sounds as I tilted my head to the side, my eyes stayed trained on the door of the den.

I saw her walk out and followed her, around 1 km away from her, she walked to the school. Her body was hunched over, with a hoodie that covered her head as she scuffed her feet along the cracked pavements. When she entered I saw my pack members jeer and laugh at her. I open the mind link and link them all.

"Stop, I can see you all teasing the rogue Aella, if you do it again prepare for punishment." I used my Alpha voice I could see some of them as they cowered.

I stepped closer towards the school making sure I kept out of sight, not wanting to alert Aella that I was following her.

Aella POV

I shuffled into school slowly, as I took my sweet time to get to the lessons. The normal happens, people laughed, but then they suddenly stopped. Their eyes became foggy and then some of them cowered, I guess the black wolf was talking to them.

The rest of the day was good, no one bothered me, even Casey. I wonder what their Alpha said to them about me probably some joke and they are all laughing secretly though.

Only 2 days until I turn 18 and can find my mate, I jumped down the steps of the school and raced out of school towards the café. I greeted Lola and then grabbed the note pad and apron.

I stood at the door and two older women walked in I show them to a padded both and take their orders. They smiled kindly as I placed their orders on their table, their laughter and chatter filled the sweet smelling café instantly.

As I went to leave the more boisterous of the two women, grabbed my hand and slipped a tip into it. I grinned happily and thanked them.

A young man walks in probably around 19 or 20. I went up to the counter and placed the tip from the women in the jar, before I turned towards the man.

I went up to his table and got his order, he studied me for a second but I brushed it aside as a couple comes in. I led them to a table for two.

A while later, the 19 or 20 year old man was still here, he was just reading a book when a group of men in their early 20's walk in. They whistled in my direction, I ignored that and led them to a table. I took their orders and as I turned away I feel a hand grab my arse, I growl slightly but that just makes them chuckle.

Luna was growling, annoyed that someone was touching us other than our mate. I slapped his hand away, a look of shock appeared on his face then soon turned to anger. He stood up quickly and so do his friends, he smirked cruelly at me and I glared at him.

I walked away, and tried to calm down so I didn't shift, one guy came and pinned me to the wall, I shoved him off.

I glanced to the side and saw Lola shaking with fear, her eyes wide as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. My anger rose, no one makes Lola scared.

I punched the guy in front of me in the face, the others came running. However, before they could get to me, they were stopped by the 19 year old. He tripped them and then as they stood up he punched them or kicked them, so they are knocked out.

I stood there with my mouth open for a second before I got my senses back, I walked over to Lola and made sure she was okay and then left the cafe. The guy came out behind me and walked next to me, his stride matched mine.

"Are you alright?" He asked gently, his voice soft in contrast to his muscular frame.

"Um yeah, thanks. What's your name?" I replied, a smile eased its way onto my face as he glanced at me quickly.

"Cassius, yours?" Cassius answered a playful smirk on his tan, handsome face.

" Aella, well I got to go. Thanks again bye" I called, while I walked away from the man.

I fell asleep with Cassius on my mind and with no idea as to why. 

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