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So this update has a series of scenes from KINGDOM. The first scene is when Angie gives birth to the twins (I never wrote this in KINGDOM). The second scene is where Harry takes care of his children while Angie suffers from a lengthy depression. 

After this update, I will write two more scenes in Harry's POV, then I'll do an update about Tony and Becky, and finally, one update in Danny's POV. And then that's it, I won't be writing another word about my KNIGHT characters. It's a bittersweet feeling to let go of these guys, but I'm ready and I've got a very interesting new story coming up called CULT.

Anyway, I've received many messages and comments asking me to write specific scenes. I don't want to drag out these extra updates for too long so I will only write one more scene in Harry's POV. 

The next update will be about Lux tutoring Darcy and Harry recognizing her. The final update will be the chapter in KINGDOM when Harry retires and his kids and grand kids come to visit. And that night, he dies of a heart attack. The scene will be very short. A few of you guys have asked me to write the scene in CASTLE when Gabby tries to steal Harry from Angie, but I'm not really feeling Gabby. She was way too annoying lol.

Thanks for the continued support!

-Mariam A. Xx 


My come was like fertilizer. Either that or Angie was a tropical forest and the moment I touched her, a flower would grow. I was 26 years old and just became a father of three. Clearly, I had never heard of contraceptives. Even so, I had always felt that contraceptives were for teenagers and college kids that wanted to have a little fun while being safe. But I was married and have always wanted a big family and now I had one. 

Angie was laying on the hospital bed, taking slow breaths as the nurse cleaned up our twin boys. I stood beside her, holding Darcy in my arms. Becky insisted on being in the delivery room in case I passed out. I have never passed out in front of Angela and I didn't plan on it, even though I was sick to my stomach but also choking with tears at the sight of my twin sons. 

Darcy stared up at me with her vivacious green eyes. She batted her lashes.

"Daddy?" she asked softly. I smiled down at her. 

"Yes baby?"

"Daddy am I a big sister now?" she asked slowly. She patted my cheeks gently with her tiny hands, encouraging me to answer her. I nodded, unable to help contain the wide grin etching onto my face.

Darcy hugged my neck tightly. I kissed her cheeks and she hopped around in my arms until I set her down. She ran to Angie and stared at her, placing her hand over Angela's.

"Momma you are not fat anymore," she smiled, patting gently at Angie's much flatter stomach. Angie laughed. The comment was probably intended to sound nice, but it didn't come off that way and Angie scooped Darcy up to kiss her.

"That's because I don't have two big baby boys inside me anymore," she grinned, tucking Darcy's curl behind her ear. I knelt down by Angela's bed and kissed her softly. The energy from her body was completely drained, but she managed to kiss me as passionately as ever before, her lips pressing to mine. I took her hand and kissed her ring.

Screams pierced our ears. The two nurses brought the babies around. One of our boys was screaming Bloody Mary while the other's sobs were muffled, as though he didn't want to disturb us with his cries.

"Here's the big brother, by three minutes," the young nurse smiled as she rocked my boy in her arms. "He's so quiet," Angie commented. She leaned up on her elbows. The nurse gently handed her our first son. 

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