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Author's Note; So I got this idea from a dream I had recently and I wanted to turn it into a fanifc but I didn't know if you guys would be interested or not. So LET ME KNOW what you think and if you inbox me about it, i'll continue it. If not, I won't. Didn't know if it should be a reader and jared thing or first person. Let me know.

Your eyebrows furrowed when you noticed the unattended climbing gear located at the side of the cliff, and a deep rooted part of you wondered if the rope belonged to a current climber. Usually, when someone was rock climbing they would simply stick to the course and climb within the parameters of the club, but this person was free climbing with one rope and no attendant. Who would do something so dangerous? Wasn't it against the rules?

A small chuckle fell from your lips as you thought about it; were you ever one to really care about the rules? You had come to Camp Mars for one reason and one reason alone; to fulfill a promise. Everything else was trivial.

A distant humming to your left pulled you from your curious trance and the image of the infamous Shannon Leto caught your eyes

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A distant humming to your left pulled you from your curious trance and the image of the infamous Shannon Leto caught your eyes. His attention was fixed to the screen of his phone while one headphone dangled against his black sleeveless tank. Perhaps the climbing gear belonged to him and he was on his way to retrieve it. Funny, you would have never pegged Shannon for a climber. Then again, what all did you really know about 30 seconds to Mars and their interests? Saying that you were a fan would have probably been an overstatement, but you were aware of their work and a few of their songs.

Although he was a magnificent distance away from you, you still found yourself slightly tip toeing into the opposite direction in an attempt to avoid his gaze. Even though you weren't a big fan of the rules you still hated the idea of getting caught doing things you weren't supposed to. When hiking or climbing at Camp Mars you're supposed to stick to the trails and practice the buddy system to promote safety. However, the Yogi bear sympathy vote wasn't of any importance to you. You had made friends at camp that you adored, but they were too busy clicked up praying to be graced by the presence of the blue eyed angel himself, Jared Leto. Even though you were quite familiar and in slight awe of his work, you weren't nearly as obsessed with him as everyone else there seemed to be. Plus, you had a goal that held more merit than gawking at the singer song writer that everyone seemed to be interested in fawning over.

Camp Mars had one of the best views you'd ever seen and the night sky was literally to die for

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Camp Mars had one of the best views you'd ever seen and the night sky was literally to die for. The only issue is, the safest place to get a peek of this exceptional view was nearly a mile away from the trail that you were instructed to stick to and not wander away from. Your task for today was to find your way to the lookout point and memorize the path so that tonight when the moon was full and the rest of the campers were at the campfire, you could access your path easily without any setbacks. The last thing you needed at the moment was to be busted by Shannon and have to explain your deviancy.

Your head turned in multiple directions in search of a place to hide, but you found nothing big enough to conceal you except for the nearby trail that lead back to the base of the camp. With Shannon's distance, it wouldn't have been too hard to sprint to the trail and carry on with your day undetected, but a noise caught your ear. It slid through your senses with a hint of familiarity, but you couldn't quite place it. You'd heard something similar to it before and it sounded close, but you were at a loss.

Your eyes peered into the direction of the climbing gear that sat more than a few feet away from you and the sound slowly started to become more apparent

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Your eyes peered into the direction of the climbing gear that sat more than a few feet away from you and the sound slowly started to become more apparent. You truthfully weren't very athletic and the idea of being a climber only made you laugh in defeat, but the sound of unraveling rope was unmissable. It scraped against the dry dirt of the ground involuntarily and a grown sounded from the other end. Someone was attached to it on the other side of the edge and from the looks of the rope literally plunging down the side of the abyss; someone was falling rather quickly to the unmeasurable bottom.

There was another grunt and a slight yell from the other end again and slowly you felt yourself come to the realization that the climbing gear wasn't unattended, it was in use, and whoever was on the other side would fall to their death soon if the rope wasn't secured. You growled in discomfort when you felt your body all but plunge in the direction of the plummeting rope and before you could stop yourself you began pulling at the end of it in an attempt to help. You seemed to have a good hold on it at first, but the weight of the other person got the better of you and you ended up being jerked forward in the direction of the edge.

There was a slight imbalance to the rope and you could feel the loosening fibers ripple through to the end that you were holding, had it been scraped up against a rock? Was it coming apart? Your eyes wandered frantically in the direction of the camp in hopes of finding a rock, tree, or sturdy object to tie the rope to, but the only thing that caught your attention was the boulder from before. You knew you weren't strong enough to handle this on your own, and even if you got the rope secured to something, it was still slightly cut and slowly unraveling somewhere down the line with the climber.

"Shannon! Shannon help me! Please?!" You cried. The last thing that you wanted was to be questioned as to why you were so far from the trail that you were specifically instructed not to veer away from, but there were more pressing matters at hand. Shannon was the only one around and getting the line that was snuggly wrapped around your forearm and shoulder, to the nearby boulder would take more strength than your small body would have been able to conjure.

"I think somebody's on the other end, please take this?" you pleaded trying your best to hold on to the line while motioning it towards him to take. His face was drenched in an expression that mocked horror and the impossibly long gap rooted between you was instantly swallowed by his frame. He had run to you so quickly that you jumped when you felt his hands all but yank the ropes from you. He turned his body away from you and angled the rope so that it was position over his right shoulder. His feet turned towards the direction of the boulder and slowly he began pulling.

"Grab the middle." He urged.

"I can't. I gotta make sure the climber's secure. I think the ropes been cut. If we pull too hard it'll snap and they'll die. Just pull, and hold it steady." You insisted. If you could get a hold of the climber the rope wouldn't matter, but they had to be close enough to take your hand. This is why you don't climb alone, whoever was on the other end of this was sure to be kicked out of the camp. The groans from the other side of the cliff continued, but you had drowned them out until you peered over the edge and glanced down.

The small mumbles for help echoed off the cliff's edge and you frowned. Your eyes narrowed as you tried to get a better look, but you were caught off guard by the distant sound of muttering voices. People were coming and the last thing that you wanted was more panic.

"Help!" the voice called again and you immediately recognized it.


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