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It all started in pre-k when nyan,smile dog and chara first met but then came popee. Popee was transgender so basically popee was born female but is now male. Popee had a crush on Chara and kedamono his best friend. His father was papi. One day smile dog called all the girls to a female meeting and thats when the rumors started. 

Smile dog:Hey girls who do yall have a crush on i know its weird to ask but you know...

Nyan:Well i like blue he seems cute and nice

Smile dog:I like golden freddy~

Popee:I like chara....


Smile dog:who do you like chara?

(Chara thinks of a lie to make)

Chara:well i met this umm.....middle schooler named uhhh (Chara tries to think of a male name) alexander and he seems uhhh cute??

(Alice angel appears)

Alice angel:well i like bendy and me and him will date and get married!!!

(Chara gets angry because she has a crush on bendy)


~The next day~

Chara grabs alice angel by her horns. Chara drowns alice angel in the toilet and walks away afterwords.

The two darling devil (Chara x bendy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant