Chapter Four

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Trigger Warning: suicide mention

"Hey Patton, have you noticed that the house seems... brighter?"

Logan smiled at the way Patton bounced around the house around him. The happier the ghost seemed to be, the more cheerful the house seemed. More light seemed to flow, and less dust seemed to cover the house. The intellectual young man often found the ghost cleaning or tending to the garden, humming happily to himself.

"I guess," Patton replied, giggling happily. 

Logan noticed this, looking at him with a curious smile. "What's got you in such a good mood?" 

"Nothing," the ghost said quickly, still giggling as he turned away. 

He smirked skeptically, following him as he walked away. "Well, that sounds like a lie," he said with as Patton went out into the garden. The sun was going down, giving the flowers and trees a golden glow. He followed him as he happily skipped through the garden. "Wanna tell me the truth?"

 "Not really," the ghost giggled, turning to walk backwards so he could look at the intellectual. 

Logan shook his head with a confused smile. "Why not? Aren't we friends?" he asked, tilting his head. Patton nodded, still giggling. The sound made his heart warm. "You're very giggly today."

The ghost stopped under the big tree of the garden, looking at Logan with a big smile. "I do that when I'm happy, and around someone I like a lot," he said, laying down in the grass. He often acted like he was a person despite being a ghost. It was enduring to the intellectual young man.

"Aw, I'm someone you like?" Logan asked, laying down next to him. 

"Yes, I like you a lot," Patton said, closing his eyes with a big smile on his face. "More than I should given our situation."

Logan stopped at that, looking at him in surprise. "What does that mean?" he asked quietly, seeing the ghost's hand close to his on the ground. Patton didn't respond to that, knowing the young man next to him already knew what that meant. They were quiet for while before Logan spoke again. "Hey Patton? How did you die?"

Patton's eyes opened, staring up at the trees leaves above them. He didn't answer for a while as his face fell into one of a sad frown. "No one's ever asked me that... " he said quietly, frown turning to a sad smile. "I committed suicide."

Logan's heart skipped a beat and his throat closed up. He started having difficulty breathing as he looked at the ghost next to him. 

How is he smiling while telling me this? he said How can he say something like that so calmly? Has he really became that comfortable with that fact? 

"It's alright Logan," the ghost said quietly, looking over to meet his eyes. "It was a long time ago... and I've found peace..."

The intellectual young man was confused, heart aching with the thought of him doing something like that to himself. "But how? How can you be so-"

"Calm?" Patton inquired. "I told you, it happened a long time ago; and when people do what I did maybe you should think about why. It's a horrible tragedy to happen to the people that love them, but instead of thinking about what they had been feeling to drive them to do that and what you could've done differently, think about how they must finally be happy. You were just asking me why I was so happy. I was never this happy when I was alive. I never had anyone care about me when I was alive, but now I have you."

He looked at Logan with a smile that said it all. There were tears shimmering in the intellectual young man's eyes as he reached out. They hesitated a little, but the ghost laced their fingers together. Logan stopped questioning how it was possible to touch him, but he didn't complain. 

"You'll always have me."

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