Nightwing started writing again. No, Jason hasn't said anything, yes, he knew someone that could infiltrate. Talon. After all, that's what he was trained to do, but they wouldn't know that.

As he handed the pad to Superman, who had taken to standing in front of the T.V, Megann spoke up.

"Infiltrate? Why are you asking him? Isn't that what this team is supposed to do?"

Batman grunted and crossed his arms, "Yes, that is what your team is meant to do, however, we can only send in one person and Nightwing seems to have more stealth training than all of you," He then turned to face Nightwing as Superman read his answer aloud.

"He says he knows someone that would be able to infiltrate, but Red Hood hasn't said anything," Superman recited, giving back the paper.

"Who," Batman all but demanded, inching closer to the still seated group of teens.

Nightwing smirked deviously and pointed a thumb to his chest.


Jason's plan was simple. Get in, get Nightwing, and get out. The only difficult thing about it was actually pulling it off. Now, he wasn't an idiot, he knew the risks that came with this mission. Injury, possible capture, and a one way trip to Arkham Asylum. But Jason didn't care. He'd told his friend he was coming, and he wasn't about to go back on his word.

Jason waved to Deathstroke, who was crouched across from him in the alleyway. Thanks to Slade's informants, they'd managed to track down one of the Leagues zeta entrances in Gotham. It wasn't much, just an old blue phone booth -it reminded him of Doctor Who- but it would have to do. They were short on time after all.

Jason watched as Deathstroke entered the booth, typing a long list of numbers into the dialpad. This would allow him to enter the base unannounced -hopefully. He turned his back to the man and faced the alley's entrance, gun hanging loosely in his hands. It wouldn't be good if they got caught before the plan even started.

"Okay kid, whenever you're ready." Deathstroke announced, "I'll be waiting for you at the rendezvous point. Do not be late." He explained, stepping out of the phone booth.

Red Hood turned around and put his gun away, "Thanks man. If this thing goes well, I'll owe you one."

Deathstroke chuckled lightly, "Kid, you owe me one anyway."

Red Hood shook his head, amused, "Yeah, yeah. I know," he admitted, walking into the booth, "Wasn't it Lazarus?"


Red Hood glanced over his shoulder, "Sorry," Jason paused briefly, "Hey do you know anything about The Light?"

Deathstroke hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah, I just joined them, why?"

"Nightwing just asked. Apparently Batman's asking him about them. What should I tell him?"

"Nothing for now," Deathstroke hummed, "Not if the Bats asking. And Jason?"

"Yeah?" he spoke, turning back towards the buttons.

"Don't be late."


"Oh really? And how would you infiltrate them?" Superboy sneered, "You can't join as Nightwing."

Dick wanted to punch him, he really did. Of course he wouldn't enter as Nightwing, he'd have to go as Talon. Pretend to represent the Court.

"I'm in. Where are you?" Jason asked mentally, sounding slightly out of breath.

Dick threw a crumpled ball of paper at Superboy. "I think I'm in the main cavern. Batman's here along with Superman and the mini league." He thought back as Superboy read the note.

"What do you mean you have another name you can go by?"

"What he means is that he'll create another persona, isn't that right Nightwing?" Batman interrupted, eyeing Dick carefully.

Nightwing nodded and prayed they wouldn't ask for the name. Anything but the name.

"Hey I'm in the hall, I'll shoot Kid Flash in the leg as a distraction. Be ready." Jason's voiced popped back up. Shoot Kid Flash? Okay. Dick shifted his stance slightly, only enough to make it easier to run. Although Batman seemed to have noticed this because he looked at Dick funny and opened his mouth to speak.

"Night-" However, he was cut off by Kid Flash crying out and collapsing to the floor, clutching his leg in pain.

Everyone's attention turned towards the hall entrance, where Red Hood was sauntering out casually, like he hadn't just shot a bullet through Kid Flashes leg. Dick smirked slightly, although he wouldn't admit it, at his friends lazy attitude.

"Well, well, well," Red Hood began, "I'm sorry to say this, but I need to break up this little play date," Jason finished, walking towards Nightwing slowly.



Jason kept up his slow walk towards Nightwing as he replied, "Aww, why do you have to be like that Bats? I'm only here to pick up my friend. You can't keep him here," Jason paused, "That is kidnapping after all." He stopped walking, now standing firmly at Nightwing's side.

"Red Hood," Superman boomed, "How did you get in here?" he questioned.

Jason sighed, "I've already told you, I'm picking up Nightwing," He waived his gun around aimlessly.

Batman sunk into a defensive stance and drew a batarang, "I'm afraid you won't be leaving just yet. My discussion with Nightwing has yet to finish."

Jason put a hand to his chin, "Hmm, no. We're done here," He raised his gun and took a shot at Batman who, predictably, moved out of the way. He knew the bullet wouldn't do anything against Superman, and he wasn't about to kill some kids.


Aqualad, who had been silent until now, took a few steps towards Nightwing and Red Hood, "My friends, I'm sure we can work this out. Please, calm down," He suggested, however, he was still holding tightly to the handles of his water bearers. The rest of the mini league each took their own stances behind Aqualad.

Jason risked a glance behind him to check on Nightwing, finding him crouched lowly and holding his escrima. Looks like they'd fight their way out.

"Son," Superman started, "Don't do this. You can't win."

Red Hood snorted, "You're not my dad, so don't tell me what to do," And he lunged forward.

Hello everyone! Yes this chapter is short. But...I'll post the other half tomorrow. I figured you'd want something rather than nothing. I have literally had the worst writers block during this chapter. I restated it like, five times.

Anyway, what did you think of this? Leave any comments down below. And again, I apologize for the wait! It bugs the heck out of me that I wasn't able to make this chapter longer, but then next one is going to be A LOT better. Trust me.

So, leave some comments about where you think I'm heading with this. I want to hear from you guys. You can even say that you're mad about my EXTREMELY late update...

Til next time,


(P.S. I've recently gotten the idea for a cool AU. If you'd like to hear more about it, or if you want me to post it, let me know) :)

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