Transcript: Session 8 - Layla Keegan

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Layla Keegan - Case History

Session 8


Dr. B: How do you feel today, Layla?

Layla: Fine.

Dr. B: You look well. How's life at your new school?

Layla: Still a prison. But a prison run by the prisoners.

Dr. B: What do you mean?

Layla: Teachers are useless.

Dr. B: Has something happened?

[No reply]

Dr. B: Are you having problems with the other students? [Silence] Is there a problem with bullying?

Layla: Is there ever a day that goes by when I'm not bullied? Mum, Stepdad, teachers, others kids in school, the police...You.

Dr. B: You feel bullied here?

[Brief silence]

Layla: You do put me under constant pressure to say things I don't want to.

Dr. B: In that case, why do you keep coming?

[Brief silence]

Layla: I have to.

Dr. B: Why?

Layla: Because if I don't the police will be on my case again. Mum will take me somewhere else. I'd prefer to speak with you. At least I know you. Know how you operate now.

Dr. B: And how do I operate?

[No reply - silence, 10 seconds approximately]

Dr. B: Are you still suspicious of me?

[Brief silence]

Layla: No, I didn't mean that. I suppose I do kinda trust you.

Dr. B: Well, that's about as good a basis to continue, don't you think? Now-

Layla: I didn't say I like you or that I'm comfortable being here. Just that this is best of all the choices I have.

Dr. B: I see. I'm the best, worst choice. [Silence] Anyway, at the end of the last session I asked you to do something for me. Do you remember?

Layla: Yes. I've done it.

Dr. B: Would you like to begin.

Layla: Yeah. But first, I really need you to know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt Kelly. And I've tried and tried but I don't remember everything that happened. I don't know why. Sometimes I have dreams, but I always awake before something terrible happens. Before something terrible happens to her. To us.

Dr. B: Tell me about the dreams.

Layla: There's that one, the one that always comes back. The one about the bees, hundreds of them. Stinging me. They're all over my face. Trying to get inside my mouth. And there's always that horrible, horrible buzzing noise.

Dr. B: Anything else.

Layla: No. Anyway, I'd rather not talk about my dream. Freaks me out.

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